Page 13 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 13

That is what is on the inside of                                 So, let’s sit right down in

        each believer of Jesus. Let me                            His chair and tell him all about
        just tell you… you are beautiful.                         our troubles. Rid ourselves of all
        You are just like                                         the insecurities of what we see

        Him                                                       on the outside and start seeing
                                                                  what God has done on the
               Beauty is not just skin                            inside.
        deep. Yes it might help to have
        lovely skin and a nice healthy                            Beauty tip #1

        weight, but not all of us can
        look like Barbie and Ken. So,                                    He took that ole hard heart
        what about the rest of us. The                            out and gave you a heart of

        ones that struggle with those                             flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 I will give
        extra pounds or thinning hair?                            you a new heart and put a new
        What do we do with the                                    spirit in you. I will remove your
        freckles and crows feet?                                  stubborn hearts and give you
                                                                  obedient hearts. GW

               We develop what is in the
        inside of us to out weigh what                                   Now you can hear the will
        people physically see on the                              of the Father and do it with a

        outside. Well how the heck do                             good heart. As tough as it it
        you do that?                                              may be, when you do what is
                                                                  good and right, your heart no
               Oh my friend, let me just                          longer condemns itself and is
        tell you that spending that                               free to be Be-You-ti-full.

        time in the word of a God and                             The New Living Translations
        letting him perfect those things                          says it like this, “ And I will give
        that concern Him will be some                             you a new heart, and I will put

        of the best beauty make overs                             a new spirit in you. I will take
        you’ll ever have. Just being in                           out your stony, stubborn heart
        His presence will put a glow in                           and give you a tender,
        you that will shine out of you                            responsive heart.”
        like nothing anyone has ever

        seen before or any face cream                                    A tender responsive
        that has ever been developed!!!                           heart…. How beautiful is that?
        Going to Gods salon is the best                           Now you are able to respond to

        trip you’ll ever take.                                    those over energized kids
                                                                  instead of “reacting” like a
                                                                  crazy mom or dad. Hahaha
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