Page 3 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 3
Memories We swam, played cards, yard
Pastor Bree Rassi games, enjoyed fireworks, seen
the horses, celebrated my early
I was just sitting here birthday, and my parents 42nd
reflecting on the amazing few anniversary. God has truly blessed
weeks we've had together as a us with an amazing family. These
family vacation. We spent a week times spent together are the
with members from my side of our memories we will all carry with us
family in Kentucky. It was the first forever.
vacation in which everyone was Memories are incredibly
precious moments, especially when
My parents had rented a you realize there are no
house on an old farm ranch in guarantees as to amount of time
Eastern Kentucky for our family to we will be here and can enjoy one
stay at. It was big and beautiful another.
home, and the kids were excited to Take the vacation and show
see that it was complete with a the people you love just how much
swimming pool. you they mean to you. Things can
change quickly so don't hesitate.
Do all the things you want to do
My family means everything
to me and I'm thankful for the
ones we have in our relationship.
Were there disagreements on
vacation in the weeks we were
together? Absolutely. There were
twelve kids under 11! But when the
As you can see, we have a kids would fight/argue, they would
rather large family. In total we had resolve the problem and move on.
12 cousins together, all under the We can learn a lot from our
age of 11, as well as my two children, especially in that area,
brothers, their wives, and of course but I'm not going there today.
my parents in the same location.
What an amazing week. We had This time spent is a tradition
such a great time making we trust the kids will ask about
memories. every year. It's a time where we
can get together for more than a