Page 7 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 7
Yes, You Can
Pastor Sue Garnett
Have you ever felt like God God is letting Moses know
put a calling on your life to do that that he has nothing to worry
something in the ministry for Him, about or fear as God Himself with
but felt like you weren’t good him. God is telling Moses that He’s
enough, inexperienced, or not going to help him do what He has
knowledgeable enough to do it? called him to do.
I’m sure we all have at some time
or another. Yet in verse 13 again, Moses
has another excuse when he says,
Even Moses who God spoke to “Indeed, when I come to the
through a burning bush in Exodus children of Israel and say to them,
chapter 3 felt like he wasn’t ‘The God of your fathers has sent
qualified. He kept finding excuses me to you,’ and they say to me,
why God must be mistaken ‘What is His name?’ what shall I
because he wasn’t qualified to do say to them?”
what God was calling him to do.
He is trying to make excuses
God had destined Moses to that he is a nobody, and the
lead His people out of Egypt. The children of Israel won’t believe
first assignment God gave Moses him.
on this journey He had prepared
for him was to go to Pharaoh and Again, God tells Moses in
give him the opportunity to release verse 14, “I AM WHO I AM.” “And
the children of Israel. He said, Thus you shall say to the
children of Israel: ‘The Lord God of
But look at Moses reply in your fathers, the God of Abraham,
verse 11. “Who am I that I should the God of Isaac, and the God of
go to Pharaoh, and that I should Jacob has sent me to you. This is
bring the children out of Egypt?” My name forever, and this is My
After hearing Moses question or memorial to all generations.’ ”
excuse, God responded in verse 13
with, “I will certainly be with you. God is telling Moses what to
And this shall be a sign to you that say and showing him that He will
I have sent you: When you have be with him and help him with
brought the people out of Egypt, what to say and what to do. He is
you shall serve God on this showing Moses that He will help
mountain.” him if Moses just listens to Him
and be obedient is the things tells
him to do.