Page 11 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 11

SPIRIT FILLED LIVING                            cheered  as  if  they  had  just  hit  a
                        By Pastor Mike Forbis                     home  run  in  the  world  series.  It

             Ephesians 5:18, “And be not                          was  great  fun  for  all  of  us.  But

            drunk with wine, wherein is                           what if I had put Lindsey who was
             excess; but be filled with the                       the  youngest  and  smallest  child,

                            spirit.”                              up there and told her if she didn’t
                                                                  hit the ball into the field, then she
            Let’s begin this study of living a                    would be grounded. Not fair, most

        spirit filled life by examining the                       would  reply,  because  she  simply
        truth  revealed  in  this  verse  that                    wasn’t       physically         capable        of
        God wants us living in a constant                         hitting a baseball that distance. In

        state  of  spiritual  fullness.  The                      other words, it simply would not
        Amplified              translation              of        be  just,  to  require  someone  to  do
        Ephesians 5:18 clarifies this point,                      something  that’s  not  possible.

        “…  but  ever  be  filled  and                            Accordingly,  it  would  be  unfair
        stimulated with the (Holy) Spirit.”                       for God to expect us to live a life

        Over the years I have heard other                         of constantly being filled with the
        Bible  teachers  state  that  it  is                      Spirit if that wasn’t possible.
        easier  understood  as  repeatedly

        being  filled,  in  other  words,  it  is                     So, if I am to live a Spirit filled
        not referring to a one-time event,                        life  every  day,  does  that  imply

        but a way of life.                                        that I can vary in the amount of
                                                                  the  Holy  Spirit  that  I  have?  I
            Is  that  possible?  Let  me  share                   remember  while  working  in  a

        with  you  an  illustration  that  I                      prison  ministry,  one  of  my  co-
        often use to answer that question.                        workers  often  wanted  to  engage

        When my children were young we                            in  a  good-natured  debate  about
        lived  in  a  country  home  with                         the  issue.  Always  stating  to  me
        slightly more than an acre of land                        that scripture doesn’t really mean

        for our yard. On the property was                         that  we  are  filled  with  the  Holy
        an  old  concrete  block  building                        Spirit,       but       that        we       are
        that we used as a backstop for our                        surrendered to the Holy Spirit in

        family baseball games. Not too far                        various  degrees.  To  which  I
        from  the  block  building  was  a                        replied,       that      either      we  are

        farmer’s field, so occasionally one                       literally        filled      to      different
        of the kids would hit the baseball                        measures or else that is how God
        into  the  field,  and  we  always                        wants  us  to  think  about  it,
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