Page 9 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 9
Sometimes our ministry is simply It’s time we get rid of the “I
helping others in their calling, like can’t attitude” and start seeing
an armor bearer. That is still a ourselves how God sees us, as
ministry and a calling, and with the mighty conquerors. We just need
calling He will equip you. Sadly, to to learn to listen to the voice of
many times we put more faith in God and believe we CAN do
what we believe are our inabilities whatever He has called us to do.
and fail to see the abilities He is
giving. A few years back I would
never have imagined myself writing
Moses gave every possible excuse an article like this or speaking in
as to why he couldn’t fulfill his front of a crowd. Yet here I am
calling, concentrating on his writing this article and I have
inability rather than the abilities spoken in front of crowds several
God was placing in him. times. I’m not saying I do a great
job, but the more that I mature in
When God has called you to a the Word and in listening to the
purpose, He never fails to qualify voice of God, I know I will get
you for that purpose. better and more confident in what
I am doing. I know tat He will
I have heard this quote many equip me when I have the I CAN
times, “God doesn’t call the attitude. AND YES, YOU CAN TO!
qualified, he qualifies the called.”
God won’t call you into a ministry Pastor Sue Garnett
to see you fail. Failure is not in His
design, rather He desires to see Pastor Evangelism
you excel in all He has planned for
you. Grace Fellowship