Page 8 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 8
God assures Moses that He is who made his mouth and will teach
sending him with step-by-step him what to say.
instructions as to what to say to
Pharaoh, and even goes on to Just something to ponder on.
inform him of Pharaohs response. Is God offering to heal Moses
stuttering here?
How many times has God
given us step by step instructions Apparently, Moses hasn’t quite
and we still doubted Him? We seen the light because once again
immediately began focusing on he insists that God needs to send
“our” abilities, or lack of instead, of someone else, because he just
listening to what He was saying to can’t do it.
Remember my question to
We wanted to make excuses ponder on about Moses’ healing?
for why we can’t do what God is Do you think Moses missed his
telling us to do, even though He healing? Because we find that God
has told us He has our backs and then tells Moses that his brother
has told us exactly how to handle Aaron would be a great
the situation. spokesperson to help him and be
his assistant.
If you continue into the fourth
chapter of Exodus you find that God had given Moses an answer to
Moses is still questioning God every excuse he has tried to use.
about assignment. Moses says to God had shown Moses that He
God; “but suppose they don’t would equip him. That He would be
believe me or listen to my voice; there with Moses providing Him the
suppose they say, ‘The Lord has words to speak, the tools, and the
not appeared to you.” ability to complete whatever God
called him to do. Yet Moses refused
Now God gives him some until God allowed Aaron to be his
instruction of things to do that mouthpiece.
would prove that he, has in fact,
spoken with God. Yet Moses again I believe that when God calls us to
has another excuse. perform a task, or to a ministry He
will be there with us, providing the
In Exodus 4:10 Moses tries to words, the ability, the tools, and
tell God he isn’t a very good the assistance that is necessary to
speaker, because he talks slowly complete the task or the calling He
and stutters. In verse 11 God has placed on us.
reminds Moses that He is the one