Page 4 - Grace Connections August Edition
P. 4

few hours a month or on holidays,                         relationship. We need to be excited

        it's a time in which we build our                         to spend time with each other
        relationship with each other as a                         creating those precious memories.
                                                                         Just as in our earthly

               This trip was something that                       relationship, God wants us to be
        took a lot of time to plan, and                           able to spend time with Him daily
        finances had to be put aside for                          creating memories and our

        expenses. But it was a great                              testimonies. If we want to show
        investment as it was our way of                           love and be loved, then we need
        showing our love for our parents,                         our God, who is love, living in us
        and our parents showing their love                        and flowing out of us.

        to us by doing something special                                 Here's a perfect example of
        for all of us, and with us.                               love. He loves us more than we

               So, are you saying money is                        love each other and that's a lot. He

        love, or money buys love? Not at                          loves us even at our worst or when
        all. I am saying, as in this case, it                     we have messed up. Shouldn’t this
        was used as a gift and a seed                             be what we want to show others as

        sown. A gift to each other, to our                        well?
        parents, children, grandchildren,                                Love doesn't mean you agree
        and to ourselves. These memories                          with everything someone says or
        are the moments for us to                                 does, but that you see past the

        remember and to be able to share                          faults and disagreements of others
        such precious times together, and                         and love them where they are at
        they are seeds planted in our                             period. It means letting God work

        children to have and enjoy these                          out the details and then listening to
        memories, hopefully creating more                         and following his guidance.
        of their own as they grow older.
                                                                         We are commanded in
               Doesn't God want all of that I                     John15:12 to love each other as I
        just talked about, as well as                             have loved you.
        enjoying fun times creating
        memories and traditions? Of                                      We all want to be loved, and

        course, He does.                                          He wants to love us, but He also
                                                                  wants us to love each other, even
                But for you to accomplish                         those we think are unlovable.
        this, you must spend more than a                          Think of it this way, you're sowing
        few hours once a month with each                          seeds of love and whenever we

        other if you want to create and                           sow seeds, are we not to expect to
        share a strong fulfilling
                                                                  see a harvest, perhaps a harvest of
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