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          Volume 16 • Issue 3• $5.00               September 2019

                Real Estate                                         Barry Gibb Headlines                                      Malpractice

                                                                       Chris Evert T ennis                                     Insurance

                                                                        and Gala Weekend

                                                                             Legendary Athletes

                                                                         and Celebrities for 30 years

                                                                       BY BARBARA R. FALLON

                                                                     Mark your calendars for the
                                                                 30th Annual Chris Evert Pro-
                                                                 Celebrity Classic and Annual
                                                                 Black-Tie Gala for the weekend
                 Charles Michelson
                                                                 of November 22-24, 2019. It is a
                                                                 must attend for tennis fans and
                                                                 South Florida benefactors sup-                                    Tom Murphy
             The Future of                                       porting at-risk children.
                                                                  In July , Chris Evert Charities
              Healthcare –                                    announced a new relationship with                               Advanced
                                                            title sponsor, Chase Private Client,
               An Ongoing                                 which will continue to bolster the support   Barry Gibb               Practice
                                                          of this annual extravaganza.
                                                             Chris Evert said, “I’m so grateful they have come on-board so togeth-
                 Dialogue                                   er we can help drug exposed, abused and neglected children.”    Providers’ (APPs)

                                                                                                  Continued on page 31
                AIA, ACHA, LEED AP                           Hurricane Preparedness                                      Practice Means

          As healthcare providers work toward                                                                            Increased Risk
        planning our community’s healthcare
        future, what are the necessary transi-  Setting the Stage for a Successful
        tions and innovations that will influence                                                                            BY DANIEL CASCIATO
        future facilities in providing healthcare               Claim Recovery –
        and well care to our community?                                                                                 Healthcare professionals want to pre-
          Every few years, healthcare providers           2019 Hurricane Season                                       vent any potential legal actions as it
        look inward and take inventory to pre-                                                                        relates to the excellent care they provide
        pare their vision to serve the community                                                                      to their patients. This includes advanced
        for the full spectrum of their healthcare                                                                     practice providers (APPs), such as Nurse
        needs – and to become a truly integrated   BY MICHAEL FAZEKAS                                                 Practitioners who now face similar legal
        healthcare network. One of the new       AND KIRSTEN                                                          issues to those experienced by physicians
        (and dramatically changing) compo-         AMBROZE                                                            and other medical providers.
        nents in the planning and design of                                                                             According to Tom Murphy, a Med Mal
        healthcare facilities will be in the inte-  The 2019 hurricane                                                and Workers Comp Specialist with
        gration of technology into our physical   season  has  arrived,                                               Danna-Gracey, one of the largest inde-
        plant building designs. Advances in   prompting all organiza-                                                 pendent brokers of insurance coverages
        technology that will update the design of   tions to ask the question,                                        for the healthcare sector, the most com-
        our medical facilities include:      “How would we recover                                                    mon causes for a malpractice claim
          Telemedicine – The ability to provide   from  a  catastrophic                                               involving APPs are as follows:
        medical information from where people   event?” The impacts of                                                  • Failure to follow the standard of care;
        live in the community to the healthcare   both Hurricanes Irma and                                              • Improper use of medical equipment;
        provider. Not a substitute for the rela-  Michael serve as exam-  Michael Fazekas        Kirsten Ambroze        • Failure to document;
        tionship between a medical provider and   ples of potential expo-                                               • Failure to monitor and properly
        their patients, it can provide additional   sures, emphasizing the importance of disaster preparedness. Hurricane Michael      assess the patient care, and;
        medical feedback and interaction in   caused the evacuation of more than 30 healthcare facilities due to physical damage   • Failure to communicate.
        smaller community dispersed locations.   and loss of power. Hurricane Irma caused power outages to more than 200 Florida   One area of concern that has increased
          Artificial intelligence – This will not   hospitals and nursing homes, while roughly 50 hospitals operated off backup power.   rapidly over the past few years, Murphy
        replace the physician-patient relation-  Disaster preparedness planning can reduce the risk of significant financial losses.   notes, is related to the opioid crisis and
        ship, but the power of statistics can pro-  This process pin points actions critical to minimize the overall damage following a   the improper prescription and monitor-
        vide direction to physicians in treating   tragic disaster.                                                   ing of these controlled substances.
                         Continued on page 24                                                     Continued on page 9                  Continued on page 20
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