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Health Insurance Program to Deliver
Benefits for DCMA Members
The Dade County This trend has been some-
Medical Association what limited for physician
(DCMA) Board of Dir - practices due to the need to
ectors is extremely have a critical mass of
pleased to announce the employees to make it possi-
launch of a health insur- ble from a financial and risk
ance program for our tolerance perspective. It is
members and their this limitation that DCMA
employees through a has been able to address
partnership with FBMC through this partnership,
Benefits Management. expanding the ability for
This program signals Physicians to take control of
our most significant their employee healthcare
foray into health insur- BY FRASER COBBE options.
ance coverage for our With this program launch
members. DCMA Members can now
Employers continue to struggle with join the captive self-funded program put
rising healthcare premiums and with together through our partnership with
employees who understand and recog- FBMC. FBMC has a great deal of experi-
nize the value of the benefits that are ence providing employee benefit solu-
provided by the employer. Physicians tions to employers in the South Florida
that own and operate independent prac- area, including Miami-Dade School
tices are not immune to these challenges. District and Jackson Health System,
In fact, physicians have a most unique amongst others. The team supporting the
and frustrating vantage point as they wit- captive have extensive background in
ness firsthand the realities of trying to establishing and administering captive
provide care in the current health care programs for regional and statewide
system at the same time trying to secure organizations and understand and are
affordable and accessible coverage for able to answer many of the challenges
their employees. At the heart of the frus- and questions that may arise when con-
tration for physician employers is an sidering joining this captive. The pro-
ability to bend the cost curve and lack of gram will deliver transparency, control
transparency on how their premium dol- and cost savings in a turnkey solution
lars are spent, oftentimes limited based that will not disrupt benefits for employ-
on the limited number of employees that ees.
they employ. Most importantly, the program will
For several years, the broader business transform health insurance benefits from
community has been leading the effort to an ever-increasing fixed premium, to a
take control of their health care costs variable cost for which they have capped
through transparency and accountability. risk, full transparency and the ability to
Self funded programs enable employers keep what they save. Practices with 20-
to reduced fixed costs and control their 200 employees will be the ideal benefici-
overall spending by incentivizing aries of the program.
employees to utilize health care
resources in a more sophisticated man- Fraser Cobbe is Executive Director of the
ner. The success of these self funded pro- Dade County Medical Association.
grams with reducing costs while provid- Members interested in finding out more
ing transparency has significantly should contact the DCMA
increased the prevalence of self funded office at (305) 324-8717.
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Dade County Medical
Association Welcomes
our Latest Affiliated
Medical Association
Association Médicale
Haïtienne a l’Etrange (AMHE)
h th DCMA w
T “ h T “ hr ough the DCM A e c can
- Association of Haitian
ha v e mor e ac c ess t o r esou c es Physicians Abroad
and t o key or ganiza tion
and r egula t or y and
go v er nmen tal bodies ” ”
R on y Jea n-Mary , MD D
r P esiden t of A MHE
w w w w w w .miamimed .c om
8 September 2019 South Florida Hospital News