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                                           The                           NATIONAL                                                                U.S. Postage
                                           Launch of                     DOCTORS’                                                              West Palm Beach, FL
                                                                                                                                                Permit #4595
                                           Coastal                       DAY:
                                           Wealth                        Physician
                                           Medical                       Profiles
                                           Division                      pages 14-32
                                           page 5

          Volume 13 • Issue 9 • $5.00      March 2017

                                                       NATIONAL DOCTORS’ DAY

                                                       The Role of Today’s CMO:

                                                   Creating a Culture Focused on

                                                   Technology and Patient Quality

                                                       BY DANIEL CASCIATO
                                               The chief medical officer’s role continues to
                                             evolve. Digital disruption in the healthcare field
                                             over the past decade has driven much of this                                           Jay Juffre
                     Matt Gracey
                                             change and will continue to do so in the future.
                                             Advances in healthcare technology, and processes
                Physicians                   is altering the healthcare landscape.                                          ImageFIRST
                                               “We're going to see more genetically focused
           Should Prepare                    treatments, so those treatments will be focused                                  Customer
                                             not only on the genetic makeup of a patient, but
                                             on the genetic makeup of that patient's disease,”                         Advocates Enable
            for Increase in                  says Stanley W. Marks, MD, FACS, Senior Vice
                                             President and Chief Medical Officer for Memorial
              Malpractice                    Healthcare System. “Imaging will also become                                    Healthcare
                                             even more precise and patients will be able to  Dr. Stanley W. Marks
                Premiums                     enjoy decision support systems that physicians                             Clients to Focus
                                             will be able to use that will channel huge vines of information, whether it's the genome
                                             of a patient, the genome of the disease, with other demographics related to the patient,
                  BY VANESSA ORR                                                                                             on Patients
                                             and target appropriate therapies to patients.”
          Physicians who invest in malpractice                                                    Continued on page 24          BY VANESSA ORR
        insurance in Florida have had the benefit
        of buying in a soft market - characterized                                                                      In a healthcare facility, there are many
        by low rates and low claims - but accord-                   REAL ESTATE                                       duties that fall on staff and administra-
        ing to insurance specialist Matt Gracey,                                                                      tors that have nothing to do with patient
        CEO of Danna-Gracey, the leading inde-           Florida Medical Center –                                     care. Jay Juffre, ImageFIRST’s Regional
        pendent medical malpractice insurance                                                                         Vice President/National Service Director,
        agency in the state, that is about to                                                                         doesn’t think that those tasks should
        change.                                        'Getting Better Every Day'                                     include managing laundry.
          “We are expecting the market to                                                                               “We believe that there is nothing more
        become more difficult for doctors as we         BY LOIS THOMSON                                               important than enabling our clients to
        transition from the soft market condi-                                                                        focus on patients and patient care, which
        tions that we have now to a harder mar-  When Trey Abshier took over the position of                          they can’t do if they’re counting linens,
        ket as a result of the increase in frequen-  CEO at Florida Medical Center in January                         putting deliveries away, filling blanket
        cy of claims against Florida doctors, and  2016, he was not unaware of some of the issues                     warmers or checking on product quali-
        the severity of judgements against doc-  with the hospital. "I came from a sister hospital                    ty,” he said. “That’s why we don’t drop
        tors in Florida - both are increasing,” he  with Tenet, Delray Medical Center," he said,                      the product and go, leaving the burden
        explained.                           "so I was familiar with the campus. I knew                               on administrators and staff; instead, our
          “The real tell-tale sign is that many, if  coming into the role that the look of the build-                 customer advocates deliver on our
        not most medical malpractice insurers in  ing was going to be a focus of mine, but I did                      promise of providing cost-effective solu-
        Florida are now at a combined ratio of  not know how deep the concerns went; I did                            tions for greater patient satisfaction.”
        100 percent or over; for every one dollar  not know how major of a focus it was going to                        To this end, ImageFIRST’s customer
        that they take in, they are spending more  be."                                                               advocates manage each client’s inventory
        than one dollar. That is simply not sus-  Though the task might have seemed daunt-                            so that the healthcare team can focus on
        tainable.”                           ing, Abshier dug right in and has made amaz-                             the patient. The company’s quality prod-
          According to Gracey, the reason that  ing strides in slightly more than a year, with                        ucts include sheets, robes, scrubs,
        physicians haven’t seen more price   renovations touching both the interior and         Trey Abshier          gowns, pillowcases and more, and can
        increases to date is the sheer number of  exterior. The interior, he said, is "going through a complete facelift, which means a  even include the same style of sheets that
        competitors in the market. “No one   complete repainting of the interior of the campus, including all lobbies, hallways, the  are carried by the Ritz-Carlton if a client
        wants to be the first one to raise prices;  cafeteria, patient rooms, nursing stations, ER – everything." Not long after arriving,  so requests.
        we’re working in a ‘who is going to blink  he was also able to open up Specialty Surgical Suites, a renovation of the fifth floor  “We deliver a higher quality product,
        first’ environment. But insurers are going
                         Continued on page 10                                                     Continued on page 46                 Continued on page 13

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