Page 3 - March 2017
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Local Internist Selected for National

                                           Physicians Council for Healthcare Policy

          BY DANIEL CASCIATO                             new Medicare Access and  Patient Contracting with physicians,  not be accessible to you, especially for
                                                         CHIP Reauthorization Act  Medical Homes, which have definite  the lower and middle classes in our
          In December, Dr. Robert                        (MACRA) implementa-      merit,” adds Dr. Briskin, who founded  country.”
        Briskin, founder of VIP                          tion as well as private-sec-  the first concierge-style medical practice  One idea that Dr. Briskin sees as a
        Primary Care Associates,                         tor modifications/alterna-  in 2000, one year before the arrival of  valuable addition to traditional health
        P.A., across from the                            tives to the Affordable  MDVIP                               insurance is the Healthcare Sharing
        Jupiter Medical Center,                          Care Act (ACA).           He adds, “I have yet to witness any  Ministries Medishare program. Through
        attended the National Phy -                        Dr. Briskin was invited  meaningful, comprehensive reform pro-  these plans, faith-based organizations
        sicians Coun cil for Health -                    to join because of his   posals coming out from major medical  collect monthly dues and then distrib-
        care Policy meeting spon-                        experience working be -  organizations, including the FMA or the  utes the money to subscribers who have
        sored by Rep. Pete Sessions                      hind the scenes on health-  AMA. The original ideas, in my opinion,  medical bills to pay.
        (R-TX).                                          care reform over the past  stem from the innovators in healthcare.  Dr. Briskin and his wife and four chil-
          Dr. Briskin was invited                        25 years.                Every idea I hear is centered on tax cred-  dren recently enrolled in Liberty
        by the Council’s leadership  Dr. Robert Briskin    “It was very inspira-  its - giving credits so people can buy  Healthshares, and saved about 75% over
        to join the council due to                       tional to be sitting in a  their own health insurance. But I have  his prior BlueCross/BlueShield policy.
        his life-long commitment                         congressional hall with 60  not seen any plan that would influence  The only real problem, according to Dr.
        to improving the lives of patient and doc-  doctors and several members of  the price of the health insurance.  Briskin, is that these plans are not guar-
        tors. He currently serves as the only  Congress,” he says. “It was incredibly  Nothing makes it more affordable. Our  anteed issues and pre-existing condition-
        internist from Florida on the Council.   empowering to be a part of a group of  mission is to try to come up with sugges-  ing are grandfathered in over several
          “There are certain things that make the  healthcare leaders from all parts of the  tions for Congress. It's a process.”   years.
        practice of medicine very difficult for  United States. Most of the 50 states were  While the Council believes that the  “Still, for about 80% of the population,
        physicians right now,” says Dr. Briskin.  represented with people trying to find  current healthcare system capably deliv-  I feel this is a great alternative to taking
        “A lot of that is due to government over-  solutions for patients and physicians to  ers the highest quality of care in the  charge of your health at a reasonable
        reach. They want to bring down the cost  make the healthcare system better.”   world, they also stress that the highest  cost,” he says. “One of the answers to
        of healthcare, but are imposing certain  Dr. Briskin has not seen many new  quality care is not accessible or afford-  healthcare is to partner with the faith
        things that eat up the physician’s time.”   original ideas from Congress which  able to all Americans. They believe that  community.”
          The National Physicians Council for  would ultimately affect the total cost and  any reforms must focus on patient-cen-
        Healthcare Policy was founded in 2014  quality of healthcare. There are various  tric care that is adequately funded, offers  For more on this story, visit
        under the leadership of Drs. Marcy   financing mechanisms, he notes, such as  individual choice and direction.
        Zwelling of California and John Gill of  block grants to the states, high risk  “Basically, if you’re rich, you can get
        Washington, DC, under the auspices of  pools, selling insurance across state lines.   the best care in the world,” says Dr.  For information on VIP Primary Care, visit
        Congressman Pete Sessions. It consults  “But the devil is in the details and there  Briskin. “The problem is for 80% of the To learn more
        with and advises members of Congress  are problems with virtually everything  population for whom the high cost of  about the National Physicians Council for
        on various healthcare issues, such as the  I’ve heard, other than HSAs, Direct  healthcare is an issue. The best care may  Healthcare Policy, visit

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                March 2017                            3
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