Page 7 - March 2017
P. 7
The Physician-Skilled Nursing
In today's skilled nursing GHN has transformed
facility environment, the the treatment team
physician-patient care team process by formalizing its
collaboration is taking cen- transitional care coordi-
ter stage. With Accountable nation. A transitional care
Care Organizations contin- coordinator along with an
uing to grow, Bundled advanced registered nurse
Payments for Care Im - practitioner (ARNP) at
prove ment adding more the skilled nursing facili-
mandated bundles, Value ty work closely with the
Based Purchasing and the patient, the patient's fam-
Affordable Care Act in flux, ily, decision makers and
collaboration between BY GREGG other interested parties,
physicians and the skilled and the interdisciplinary
nursing team is a must. CLAVIJO-HOPPER healthcare team.
That is why the Greystone The transitional care
Health Network (GHN) places so much coordinator and ARNP drive the commu-
emphasis on not only the relationship nications between the patient’s PCP and
between the skilled nursing facility and skilled nursing facility physician, ensur-
the physician, but on programs and tech- ing the patient’s positive long-term prog-
nology that foster that relationship. nosis. Advanced technology provides the
With so many acute care facilities transitional care coordinator with touch
using hospitalists to render treatment to points and pathways that will assure the
in-patients, primary care physicians appropriate move for a patient from the
(PCP) no longer round and are often skilled nursing setting to the community.
missing updates on their hospitalized Follow up with the patient by the transi-
patients. tional care coordinator continues for up
By streamlining processes through to 90 days afterward.
technology, from the initial referral to At the heart of GHN’s transitional care
our skilled nursing facility through the coordination efforts is effective commu-
time of the admission, GHN works to nication. The benefits of this new prac-
identify each patient's PCP and any other tice are already being reflected in
specialists who were among the patient’s improved patient outcomes and a more
care team prior to hospitalization. efficient sharing of information among
Care managers in the field and in the the key players in the patient care team.
hospital recreate the patient’s healthcare Collaborative communication is not sim-
journey to ensure complete communica- ply sharing of information, but rather a
tion among all parties once the patient fostering of shared meanings which are
arrives to the post-acute care setting. apparent when providers work together
This is a recent development. In the for the highest quality treatment and out-
not so distant past, a skilled nursing comes possible. GHN is proving that true
facility would rely upon its medical every day in each of its facilities.
director to manage each and every
patient, without the benefit of a robust Gregg Clavijo-Hopper is VP of Business
medical history. In addition, there was no Development, Greystone Healthcare
process in place for the medical director Management. To learn more about the
to communicate with a patient’s PCP or Greystone Health Network,
other specialists. visit
Baptist Health South Florida
and Fishermen’s Community
Hospital Sign Formal
Affiliation Agreement
Baptist Health South Florida and Fishermen’s Community Hospital have
signed an affiliation agreement. The closing of the affiliation is expected to
occur June 30, 2017 and is subject to various contingencies and approvals.
Both organizations have compatible not-for-profit cultures committed to
quality and community benefit.
“Baptist Health and Fishermen’s Community Hospital share a similar mis-
sion of providing high-quality, compassionate care to our communities,” said
Brian E. Keeley, president and chief executive officer of Baptist Health South
Florida. “This affiliation will help to complement the excellent care that
Baptist Health already provides at Mariners Hospital in Tavernier, and will
provide patients in the Florida Keys with expanded access to Baptist Health’s
services and physicians across South Florida.”
“We are excited to become a part of Baptist Health South Florida and to
continue our work in providing exceptional care to our community,“ said
Peter Chapman, chairman of the Fishermen’s Community Hospital Board of
Trustees. “Baptist Health is known throughout the region for their excellence
in patient care and their community-focused mission. We share their vision
and look forward to working with our new partner for the benefit of our
patients and employees.”
South Florida Hospital News March 2017 7