Page 11 - March 2017
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HeartWell’s Outpatient Heart Failure
            Accountable Care Options, LLC

              Selected to Participate in the                                          Program Reduces Readmission,

              Next Generation Accountable                                                          Educates Patients

                                                                                 Heart failure is a common disorder among the elderly
             Care Organization 2017 Model                                      population, and not uncommon in adults of all ages. Once
                                                                               diagnosed and treated, with the primary care physician kept
            Accountable Care Options, LLC has been                             apprised of the treatment, the patients are sent home. All
          selected to participate in the Centers for                           too frequently, however, they return to the doctor – or the
          Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) Next                            hospital – with recurrence days or weeks later.
          Generation ACO Model.                                                  In order to combat hospital readmissions, Dr. Jonathan
            The federal government is transitioning to                         Fialkow, managing member of HeartWell LLP has estab-
          alternative payment models from traditional,                         lished a program specifically for heart failure patients,
          fee-for-service Medicare payments. CMS is                            encouraging them to come back to the office to monitor
          partnering with experienced ACOs deemed                              their progress.
          ready to assume higher levels of financial risk                        “Education and communication have a tremendous
          and reward.                                                          impact in keeping patients healthy,” said Dr. Fialkow. “We  Dr. Jonathan Fialkow
            “This is the next stage in a new model of                          find that a large percentage of heart failure patients who
          payment for medical care,” said Accountable                          return should have had their medications modified, needed to be educated about their
          Care Options CEO Richard Lucibella. “We                              condition, or were confused about prescriptions. This program keeps the patients
          embrace the model’s challenges and the oppor-  Richard Lucibella     informed – and calm.”
          tunity to produce greater financial rewards for                        Often, an unstable and decompensated heart creates a myriad of issues, such as in the
          the physician practices in our organization.”                        lungs. A diuretic can resolve the problem. But a patient who is scared and nervous, and
            Accountable Care Options has earned financial rewards for its members  can’t remember what the doctor has advised, may not take all the medication, and won’t
          since it formed in 2013 and joined the Medicare Shared Savings Program. In  recall what behavioral changes need to be made.
          its first year, physician Shared Savings payments averaged $500 per fee-for-  With the outpatient heart failure program, discharged patients come to the office to
          service Medicare patient in addition to the practice’s regular Medicare reim-  meet with a nurse practitioners who knows their case, and understands their fears – and
          bursement; physician practices also achieved a quality score of 100 percent  their pathway to health. The nurse meets with the patients, reviews their charts, opti-
          from CMS. Accountable Care Options’ Shared Savings totaled $4.4 million in  mizes the medical dosage and answers questions they may have in a calm, conversational
          2014 and $7.2 million in 2015.                                       setting.
            Based on its successes, Accountable Care Options applied this year to the  “We want our patients to be self-aware, to understand their symptoms, to maintain a
          Next Generation ACO Model, whose “Better, Smarter, Healthier” approach to  schedule of medication, and to have access to good medical care on a regular basis,”
          improving health care is based on the quality rather than the quantity of  added Fialkow.
          patient care provided. The Model tests whether strong financial incentives for  The program features one-on-one meetings with the nurse practitioner, and can last
          ACOs, coupled with tools to support better patient engagement and care  several meetings, depending on the stability of the patient. Dr. Fialkow has noted that
          management, can improve health outcomes and reduce expenditures for  over the four months this program has existed at HeartWell, there is a noticeable decrease
          Medicare beneficiaries.                                              in readmissions and a clear improvement in the quality of life of heart failure patients.
                                                                                 “Listening and communicating are as important to heart failure patients as the medi-
                                                                               cine itself,” Fialkow concludes.

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