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                                                             MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM

                     JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL                                             MEMORIAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL

        Juan C. Martinez, MD                                                     Hilary Glazer, MD

          Juan C. Martinez, M.D., is Medical Director of Division of               Hilary Glazer, M.D., is a neurologist at Memorial
        Pediatric Pulmonology at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital.               Neuroscience Institute, specializing in memory, dementia,
        He is past Chief of Medicine at Joe DiMaggio Children's                  Alzheimer’s disease, and the prevention of cognitive decline
        Hospital and Vice Chief of Memorial Physician Group. Dr.                 with age. She leads a Memory Care team that provides
        Martinez completed his internship and residency in pedi-                 patients and their families with the support, services and
        atrics at MetroHealth Medical Center/Case Western Reserve                tools they need to slow the progression of memory loss and
        University in Cleveland, OH, and a fellowship in pediatric               help them live life to the fullest. Dr. Glazer earned her med-
        pulmonology at Rainbow Babies and Children’s                             ical degree at Washington University in St. Louis and com-
        Hospital/Case Western Reserve University at University                   pleted neurology training at the University of
        Hospitals. He trained in pediatric sleep medicine while at               Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital. She completed fellow-
        Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital and is board-certified              ship training in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology at
        in sleep medicine.Before joining Joe DiMaggio Children’s                 University of Florida and is one of the few physicians in
        Hospital, he practiced pediatric pulmonology and directed the Sleep Disorders and Cystic  South Florida certified in Behavioral Neurology and
        Fibrosis centers at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. From 1995-2003, he  Neuropsychiatry from the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties.
        served as clinical assistant professor in the College of Medicine at University of South  Dr. Glazer became passionate about helping families going through health challenges
        Florida in Tampa. He is an affiliate assistant professor of clinical biomedical science at  through her own personal experience with memory loss. She works closely with patients
        Florida Atlantic University.                                             and their families to understand their personal goals, prepare for challenges, and imple-
                                                                                 ment person-centered treatment plans that enable each person to achieve their highest
        Maria Del Pilar Gutierrez, MD                                            potential.

          Maria Del Pillar Gutierrez, M.D., has dedicated more than              Juan D. Arenas, MD
        two decades of her profession to diagnosing and treating
        children with some of the most complex cases as a board-                   Juan D. Arenas, M.D., a board-certified general surgeon, is
        certified pediatrician. At Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital,             Chief of Pediatric and Adult Surgical Kidney
        Dr. Gutierrez has served as a pediatric infectious diseases              Transplantation and Chief of Memorial Solid Organ
        specialist for 20 years where she feels her work can make the            Transplant Institute for Memorial Healthcare System.
        most impact for children and their families.                               Dr. Arenas earned his medical degree from Escuela
          Dr. Gutierrez earned her medical degree from the                       Colombiana de Medicina, Bogota, Colombia. He completed
        University of Miami Medical School. She completed residen-               residency training in general surgery at Pennsylvania State
        cies in pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease at MedStar           University School of Medicine and a research Fellowship in
        Georgetown University Hospital, Washington D.C., then                    the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Dr. Arenas also com-
        served as an attending physician and a fellow at Children’s National Medical Center in  pleted a Fellowship in Transplantation Surgery at the
        Washington, D.C. She returned to University of Miami as a fellow at Jackson Memorial  University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.
        Hospital and joined Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in 1997 while simultaneously serv-  Since 1997, he has held academic and clinical appointments in surgery and transplan-
        ing as an attending physician at an HIV clinic for the University of Miami.   tation surgery at University of Pennsylvania; Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Universidad
                                                                                 El Bosque, and Universidad Javeriana, all in Bogota, Colombia; Pennsylvania State
        Gerald J. Lavandosky, MD, FAAP, FCCP                                     University, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Henry Ford Health System, Detroit,
                                                                                 MI; and Children’s Medical Center, Dallas, TX. Dr. Arenas has also held the position of
                                                                                 Professor and Chief, Division of Surgical Transplantation/Department of Surgery at
          Dr. Gerald Lavandosky received his undergraduate degree
        in biochemistry from Virginia Tech, and then attended med-               University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
        ical school at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in
        Norfolk, VA. He completed a pediatric residency at the                                       MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEST
        Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk, VA
        where he was also chief resident. Dr. Lavandosky went on to              Othon Wiltz, MD
        complete a pediatric critical care fellowship at the Children's
        Medical Center of Dallas/University of Texas Southwestern                  Othon Wiltz, M.D., is the director of colon and rectal sur-
        Medical Center in Dallas, TX. Upon completion of fellow-                 gery at Memorial Hospital West.
        ship training, Dr. Lavandosky relocated to the South Florida               Dr. Wiltz followed the footsteps of his father, also a colon
        area where he has been practicing pediatric critical care                and rectal surgeon, after seeing a patient thank him for sav-
        since 1996. He regularly travels throughout Florida and the              ing her life. While Dr. Wiltz treats patients with a variety of
        Caribbean via a fully equipped helicopter to help transport              conditions – from life-threatening cancers to others that
        critically ill or injured children outside the South Florida             simply cause discomfort – his approach to patient care is to
        region to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital.                              treat patients as he would like to be treated and works with
          Dr. Lavandosky is a pediatric intensivists and hospitalist who is board-certified and fel-  them to make a difference in their lives. Dr. Wiltz earned his
        lowship-trained in pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine. He and his team oper-  medical degree at Columbia University College of
        ate the PICU facility at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
                                                                                 Physicians and Surgeons, and completed specialized train-
                                                                                 ing at Deaconess Hospital in Boston and University of Minnesota. Prior to joining
                                                                                 Memorial Healthcare System, Dr. Wiltz was chief of Colorectal Surgery at Virginia
                                                                                 Hospital Center, where he created a successful Colon and Rectal Surgery program and
                                                                                 mentored future surgeons.

                                                                         MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PEMBROKE

                                 Boaz S. Rosenblat, MD

                                  Dr. Boaz Rosenblat is a board certified physician who specializes in emergency medicine at Memorial Hospital Pembroke. He earned his bachelor’s
                                 degree at Columbia College in 1994, followed by his medical degree at SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine in 1998. Dr. Rosenblat completed his
                                 residency in Emergency Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 2002.  Dr. Rosenblat joined Memorial Healthcare System in 2002
                                 as an emergency physician at Memorial Hospital West and was promoted to medical director of the Emergency Department at Memorial Hospital
                                 Pembroke in 2005. His passion for delivering compassionate care in a high intensity environment stems from his inherent propensity to constantly
                                 challenge himself, and those around him, to constantly strive for the highest goals possible. His leadership style is to set expectations by the example
                                 he leads, which allowed him to build a team that are proud of the accomplishments they achieve on a daily basis in the ER.

         16                        March 2017                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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