Page 24 - March 2017
P. 24


                                                                                  Cover Story: The Role of Today’s CMO

                                                                                  Continued from page 1
                                                                                   Technology has also shaped the role of  up the ranks and eventually became the
                                                                                  physician executives, as well, especially  Chief Medical Officer for one of the hospi-
                                                                                  since it drives a healthcare system’s strate-  tals and then eventually the system.”
                                                                                  gic initiatives.                      Now that he’s been in this position for
                                                                                   “Moving forward, physician executives  about 20 years, Dr. Marks says that one of
                                                                                  are going to be challenged with engaging  his most meaningful career achievements
                                                                                  physicians in this era, in time of significant  has been making that transition from an
                                                                                  change,” says Dr. Marks. “Physician lead-  active lead practicing surgeon to an execu-
                                                                                  ers will be called upon in a greater and  tive role.
                                                                                  greater time to deal with strategic develop-  “I think that was a major achievement
                                                                                  ment and strategic initiatives in health-  because it occurred at a time when I was
                                                                                  care.”                              not ready to do that, but it was thrust upon
                                                                                                                      me and I was able to make that successful
                                                                                  Physicians in Executive Positions   transition,” recalls Dr. Marks. “I was then
                                                                                   Dr. Marks also expects to see more  essentially able to parlay that transition
                                                                                  physician leaders moving into the execu-  into our system as it grew and as the roles
                                                                                  tive suite, not only as CMOs, Chief  and responsibilities of other Chief Medical
                                                                                  Quality Officers or population health lead-  Officer positions and medical director
                                                                                  ers, but also as CEOs. “The advanced  roles throughout our healthcare system, as
                                                                                  physicians will take on all of these roles,  well as my own role, kept growing and
                                                                                  strategy development, policy develop-  developing. Perhaps the current most
                                                                                  ment, and more will be called upon to lead  meaningful achievement is starting  this
                                                                                  large healthcare organizations as well.”  organization on its transformation, down
                                                                                   All these advances are a dramatic shift  an academic pathway, and developing our
                                                                                  from when Dr. Marks graduated from  graduate medical education programs.”
                                                                                  medical school in 1973. He came from a  As he looks ahead, one of the biggest
                                                                                  time when there was very little technolo-  concerns right now for Dr. Marks is that
                                                                                  gy; in fact, the technology was so rudimen-  the rate of change in healthcare is probably
                                                                                  tary that it was almost non-existent.   the most dramatic that he’s ever seen since
                                                                                   “Now with the advent and fully     the start of his career.
                                                                                  deployed electronic medical record system  “I don't remember a rate of change in
                                                                                  in our healthcare system at Memorial, the  this industry as dramatic as what we're
                                                                                  ability to get to information anywhere,  seeing right now,” he says. “And it’s related
                                                                                  anytime, almost from any location, includ-  to not only the Affordable Care Act and
                                                                                  ing imaging on patients, is probably the  the expectations that are placed upon
                                                                                  most exciting and the biggest dramatic  healthcare systems and physicians by both
                                                                                  change for me as a physician and as a  peers and by patients, but the uncertain-
                                                                                  physician leader,” he says.         ties that are sitting out there right now for
                                                                                   In his role, Dr. Marks is focused on a  everybody that's involved in healthcare.”
                                                                                  variety of things. Graduate medical educa-  He adds that this challenge can only be
                                                                                  tion and medical education programs fall  met by people with a purpose and never
                                                                                  under his purview. He also oversees clini-  forgetting why they went into medicine in
                                                                                  cal research and the office of human  the first place, which essentially is to care
                     Specializing in Medically                                    research. Bylaws, peer review and issues of  for patients and do the best job possible.
                                                                                  new technology also fall under his super-  “Also, to be able to do it in an efficient
                            Complex Patients                                      vision.                             manner and in a way in which we provide
                                                                                                                      empathy and care for all those we care for,”
                                                                                   “I work with others on the executive
                                                                                  team in terms of dealing with population  he adds. “I think those become the biggest
                                Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred
                              Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term   health and risk and whether we will be  challenges, because the rapid rate of
                              Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).                     taking risk in the future,” says Dr. Marks.  change is felt by physicians and nurses on
                                                                                  “Position employment matters, and gener-  the frontlines probably more dramatically
                                Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality   al clinical policy guidelines tend to be in  than anybody else in healthcare.”
                              care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade,   my area. The quality and safety division
                              we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care.  reports up to me as well.”       Advice on Becoming a CMO
                                                                                                                        Thinking about becoming a CMO some-
                                Our services range from complex catastrophic      Preparing for the Role of CMO       day? Dr. Marks has some simple words of
                             illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical   Dr. Marks started in this field really  advice.
           rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and   somewhat by accident over 20 years ago.  “Practice a clinical specialty for at least
           rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented   He was actively practicing as a general vas-  10 years before you go into the executive
           cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of               cular surgeon, and as a result of an illness,  side of the house,” he says. “Either obtain
           medical conditions.
                                                                                  had to change careers. Around that time,  an MBA while you're getting your MD, or
                                                                                  after exploring several options, he was  get an MBA when you're making a deci-
                  Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be                          approached by the Vice Chief of Staff and  sion to move into this role.”
           recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,                       one of the administrators at Memorial,  And most importantly, he adds, never
           rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case                 who encouraged him to become involved  forget that you need significant clinical
           management companies or by the patient’s family.                       in looking at quality and becoming a liai-  expertise and background before you
           In all cases family tours are encouraged.
                                                                                  son with the medical staff.         attempt being a physician executive.
                                                                                   “My career path was somewhat not     “I think it requires clinical creditability
                                                                                  planned, but more back door,” says Dr.  and clinical knowledge to do this job
           Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital        Kindred Hospital        Kindred Hospital  Marks. “I essentially parlayed that initial  well,” he says. “These are going to be very
           Fort Lauderdale                   Hollywood                 Coral Gables          The Palm Beaches  opportunity through education by work-  exciting times both to practice medicine
             1516 East Las Olas Blvd.                         1859 Van Buren St.                 5190 Southwest Eighth St.          5555 West Blue Heron Blvd  ing with the other executives and adminis-  and to practice executive leadership in
             Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301                       Hollywood, FL 33020                 Coral Gables, FL 33134               Riviera Beach, FL 33418
                                                                                  trators and taking a variety of courses  healthcare systems.”
          954-764-8900, ext. 5136           954-920-9000                  305-448-1585                  561-904-8451
                                                                                  through The American College of
                                                                                  Physician Executives. I gradually moved  For more information, visit

         24                       March 2017                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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