Page 1 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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CANNABIS                                           Legislative Update:
                                                                                                                          Cannabis Administration
                                                                       BUSINESS                                           and Opportunity
                                                                                                                          Act (CAOA) Introduced
                                                                       DIRECTORY                                          in Congress

                                                                                   page  24                                         page 25

                                        August 2022

                                     2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                    Women in Cannabis and Self-

                                                Sufficiency Through The Women’s

                                                Cannabis Chamber of Commerce

                                              According to MJBizDaily’s most recent Women &
                                             Minorities Industry report, female executive represen-
                                             tation in the cannabis industry is 22 percent, down
                                             from 36.8 percent in 2019. This places female repre-
                                             sentation in our industry lower than the national aver-
                                             age of roughly 30 percent. The decrease in representa-
                    Claucous Alfaro          tion from 2019 to today isn't limited to the c-suite, we                            Kevin Morley
                                             see lower percentages of women across our sector.
                Cannabis                     From budtenders to community outreach to medical                              Advising the
                                             markets, women's representation appears to be declin-
                Spotlight:                   ing while the industry itself is ascending. Cannabis                              Advisors
                                             keeps acquiring more money, more relationships, and
                                             more power. My concern is that what has happened in
        CLAUCOUS ALFARO                      other once-niche industries will happen to us; women                          BY KEVIN MORLEY, DAT, ATC
        Physician and Community              create space and innovate within it and then are    Brianna Bowes
        Engagement Manager, Florida          pushed to the fringes when traditional well established                     While adult-use cannabis remains pro-
                                             (read mostly male) funding sources arrive. So what are we doing about it?   hibited in Florida, similar regulations are
        Trulieve                              In my role, I meet female leaders every day. In that sense, I occupy a very privileged   changing throughout the country on a
                                             position because I'm surrounded by the best and brightest women working in the   regular basis. Although the Florida
        What benefits do you see for         cannabis industry. Many have worked in cannabis for decades, navigating landscapes far   Marijuana Use and Growth Legalization
        patients throughout Florida with-    more complicated than today's. Others have joined more recently, often compelled by a   Initiative continues to be left off of the
        in this space?                       desire to do good and right old wrongs while still making a healthy profit. The Women’s   ballot as an initiated constitutional
          Access to clean, safe, and lab tested   Cannabis Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) appeals to legacy and new leaders. As its   amendment this coming November, the
        medical cannabis products is a great   Executive Director, my responsibility is to help ensure our industry is one where women   push by Florida residents for legalization
        advantage and positively impacting the   thrive. As a woman and a person of color, it's a responsibility I don't take lightly. The   persists. Until adult-use legalization,
        way these patients live. Trulieve grows                                                   Continued on page 26  Floridians who meet medical criteria for
        safe, high-quality medical cannabis and                                                                        use will continue to rely on access to
        continually innovates to provide a wide                                                                        cannabis by use of a Medical Marijuana
        variety of products to medical patients in   Trulieve’s Cultivar Collection:                                   Card allowing purchase at an approved
        Florida. This assortment of available prod-                                                                    dispensary. Apart from the medical
        ucts allows us to meet patients where they    Representing the Elevation                                       provider who approves the Card, who is
        are. For instance, a preference in how to                                                                      guiding these purchases? In truth, many
        receive the benefits of cannabis – drops,                                                                      customers don’t need much guidance.
        capsules, edibles, flower, cremes – and in             of Craft Cannabis                                       They have personal, first-hand knowl-
        different levels of strength. This allows                                                                      edge about what works for them, so once
        patients to replace narcotics and other pre-     BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                            they have their Card in hand, their treat-
        scription medications that may have harsh                                                                      ment can begin. But what about first-time
        side effects versus the natural alternative of   The Cultivar Collection is an artisan brand of small          Cardholders? Or those who qualify for a
        medical cannabis.                    batch, top-shelf cannabis featuring unique genetics                       Card, but don’t know that cannabis could
                                             that are rich in potency and flavor. Grown and over-                      benefit them? Other than word-of-
        What motivates you to be a part      seen by Trulieve’s Master Growers and its most Senior                     mouth, anecdotal evidence, where are
        of the cannabis industry?            Cultivators, Cultivar Collection represents the eleva-                    potential customers getting their
          Multiple factors drive and motivate me   tion of craft cannabis.                                             cannabis-related advice? The need for
        to be a part of this industry, but first and   According to Tyler Soreng, Cultivar Collection                  education in the physician and non-
        foremost, witnessing first-hand the posi-  Brand Manager at Trulieve, the Cultivar family has                  physician medical provider communities
        tive impact medical cannabis has on   decades of combined growing experience, much of                          is gargantuan. Let’s take a look at a few
        patients. Whatever ailment that is impact-  which comes from before cannabis was mainstream.                   areas where medical providers can elevate
        ing their way of life, it’s an incredible feel-  “We care about our customers, the plants and the              their knowledge surrounding cannabis,
        ing to help others and watch their   people who grow them,” explains Soreng. “We’re                            cannabinoids, and the endocannabinoid
        progress.                            growing craft cannabis in a way that puts the needs of                    system. Keep in mind they don’t need to
                                             customers and their communities first.”                                   be cannabis experts, but some basic
        What field are you in within the       The genetics are sourced directly from legendary breeders. Trulieve’s dedicated team   insight into the endocannabinoid system,
        cannabis space?                      spends quality time with every plant. All flower in the Cultivar Collection is trimmed   its effects on homeostasis and basic phys-
          Medical Education and Marketing    and jarred gently by expert hands--never a machine.                       iological functions will help elevate their
                         Continued on page 26                                                     Continued on page 23
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