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                                                                          See pages 29 - 34

          Volume 18 • Issue 8 • $5.00                 February 2022

                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

              Cardiology                                        ACHE Spotlight                                               Education

                                                             ACHE of South Florida

                                                                Member Spotlight:


                                                  Oyinkansola "Bukky" Ogunrinde

                                                             BY VANESSA ORR

                                               In January, Oyinkansola "Bukky" Ogunrinde, MHSA,
                                             became president of ACHE of South Florida, the first
                 Dr. Michael Cortelli        African-American woman elected to the position in its                               Andre Lightbourn
                                             50-year existence. Not only does she bring a multitude of
                                             experience to the role, having been a member of ACHE                          Advance Into
         Memorial Cardiac                    for the past 16 years, but she also brings a wealth of new
                                               “I am very excited to be named president of this chap-
             and Vascular                    ter, and it means a lot to me,” she said. “I believe I will               Leadership Roles
                                             bring a different perspective to the presidency, and I’ve                       With FIU's
                 Institute                   got a number of themes—including innovation, connec-
                                             tion, collaboration, inclusion and well-being—that I   Oyinkansola Ogunrinde   Healthcare MBA
                Continues                    hope will resonate.”
                                               In addition to strengthening connections with all ACHE members, Ogunrinde
          Leadership Role                    wants the organization to collaborate with other healthcare entities and community   BY ANDRE LIGHTBOURN

                                                                                                  Continued on page 13
            in Challenging                                                                                            ever-changing. Some healthcare busi-
                                                                                                                        The healthcare industry is diverse and
                    Times                            Quantum Foundation Grants                                        nesses provide treatment through clini-
                                                                                                                      cal services, others focus on manufactur-
                                                    Designed to Help Palm Beach                                       ing medical equipment and pharmaceu-
             BY MICHAEL CORTELLI, MD                                                                                  ticals, and some provide health infor-
                                                                County Residents                                      matics or insurance coverage to eligible
          COVID-19 has strained hospital and                                                                          clients. Across all corners of the industry,
        healthcare worker resources worldwide.                                                                        there’s high demand for individuals who
        The United States has not experienced a             BY LOIS THOMSON                                           understand the complexities of business
        pandemic of this magnitude in over 100                                                                        and can apply their knowledge to
        years. According to CDC statistics, as of   In the third and fourth quarters of 2021, Quantum                 advance organizational growth and
        August 2021, there have been almost 3   Foundation of West Palm Beach allocated nearly $1.6 mil-              opportunity.
        million hospitalizations over the previ-  lion in grants to 17 nonprofits in Palm Beach County for              Earning a Healthcare MBA can help
        ous 13 months in the U.S. alone. Despite   the purpose of improving the health of county residents.           you develop the business expertise and
        this once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon,   Guatemalan-Maya Center (GMC) in Lake Worth received                     practical skills needed for leadership
        Memorial Healthcare System has risen to   the largest grant at $300,000.                                      roles, such as hospital administrator,
        the challenge and has played a pivotal   Nate Cousineau, senior program officer of Quantum                    pharmaceutical brand manager, or even
        role in managing this crisis — from   Foundation, described GMC as "a grass roots organization                Chief Executive Officer (CEO), in the
        organizing and opening some of the   that's working in the heart of the community. They've been               healthcare landscape. With a combina-
        early testing sites in South Florida, to   around a long time, and their services continue to adapt to        tion of industry specific healthcare train-
        accepting patients from other geographic   meet the needs of their community." He said the organiza-          ing and holistic business coursework,
        locations because of the advanced thera-  tion offers various health and social services by bringing   Nate Cousineau   Florida International University (FIU)’s
        pies we offer.                       local providers together to present services directly to                 Healthcare MBA (HCMBA) can prepare
          Specifically, Memorial Cardiac and   clients. "You could pretty much walk through their doors with a need, and they would   you to advocate for your ideas, influence
        Vascular Institute and Critical Care   find a way to meet it."                                                major facility decisions, and be part of
        Services at Memorial have been instru-  Regarding the grant for GMC, Cousineau said, "One of the great things they're look-  the business conversations that directly
        mental in providing the treatment neces-  ing to do is open a type of clinic – whether a mobile van or bus, or a clinic at their site   impact funding, equipment, research,
        sary to care for those patients with   hasn't been determined; some components still need to be ironed out. But the grant   and patient services. FIU’s program is
        advanced and aggressive diseases. This   was an opportunity to fund a trusted organization that's meeting a specific need in   also designed to offer maximum flexibil-
        ranges from cardiac and vascular inter-  that community that no one else is."                                 ity to busy working professionals with
        ventions in patients with acute thrombo-  He went on, "We're hoping the funding first provides additional stability for current   options to select a hybrid or fully online
        sis (i.e., acute myocardial infarctions,   programming. They're already doing great work and we want that work to continue   format and program intakes offered in
                         Continued on page 28                                                     Continued on page 10                 Continued on page 15
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