Page 76 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 76

Example :      She                          helps                           me

                              (Subject)                    (verb)                          (object)

                              I                am          helped                        by                     her

                              (object as a subject)        (III form of verb)            (subject as an object)

               According to the tense and the subject, use an appropriate form of the verb 'be                  '

                such as present     ( , am , are ), past  (was , were ), perfect  (been  ), continuous   (being  ), to
                - infinitives (to be ), imperative and modules (be        ).

               Convert the given verb into past participle form as shown in the table given below :

                     Tense                     Active voice                        Passive voice

            Simple present                     eats/eat                            is/are/am + eaten

            Present continuous                 is/are/am + eating                  is/are/am + being + eaten

            Present perfect                    has/have + eaten                    has/have +been+eaten

            Present perfect continuous         has/have + been +eating             (no passive form)

            Simple past                        ate                                 was/were + eaten

            Past continuous                    was/were +eating                    was/were + being + eaten

            Past perfect continuous            had + been + eating                 (no passive form)

            Simple future                      will/shall + eat                    will be + eaten

            Future continuous                  will be + eating                    (no passive form)

            Future perfect                     will/shall have + eaten             will have +been+eaten

            Future perfect continuous          will/shall have been +eating        (no passive form)

          If the subject or object in a sentence in the active voice is a pronoun, it changes its form as

          shown in the table here except ‘you’, ‘it’ and ‘name’ of the personal pronouns and one has

          to be careful about it.

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