Page 64 - 24 May 2024 Current affairs
P. 64

August 2023                                    Ki z
                                                                                                            Ki z d
                                                                                                         Cultivating Love for Learning

  SCOPE                     Current Affairs

      India is on the moon!

      On August 23, 2023, India made history by gently landing
      a spacecraft on the Moon's South Pole. India is the fourth
      country in the world to achieve this incredible feat, with the
      others being the United States, Russia, and China.
      In 2014, India also joined an elite group by successfully
      placing a spacecraft in orbit around Mars, becoming the
      fourth  country  to  do  so,  alongside  the  United  States,
      Russia, and the European Union. Since then, the United
      Arab Emirates and China have also accomplished this,
      and China is the second country to land a rover on Mars.
      This recent lunar landing was part of the Chandrayaan III
      mission, which followed the Chandrayaan II mission in
      2019. In the previous attempt, contact with the lander was
      lost, and it crashed on the Moon. However, this time, ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organization,
      learned from its past experience and made improvements. The new lander, equipped with a special camera
      (Lander Hazard Detection and Avoidance Camera), could find a safe landing spot on its own, communicate
      with the orbiter, and recharge its batteries independently.

                                                BRICS adds six new members

                                               The 15th BRICS Summit took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from
                                               August 22 to 24, 2023.
                                               During the summit, the BRICS Bloc made an exci ng announcement. They
                                               decided to invite six more countries to join their group. This means that
                                               the current BRICS members, which are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
                                               South Africa, have all agreed to welcome these new countries into their
                                               The invited countries are:
                                               1.    Iran
                                               2.    United Arab Emirates (UAE)
                                               3.    Saudi Arabia
                                               4.    Ethiopia
                                               5.    Egypt
                                               6.    Argen na
                                               This expansion of the BRICS group is a significant development that brings
                                               more na ons together to work on important global issues.
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