Page 36 - Genius Kidz Tech Trekr-3
P. 36

Points at a Glance

              Ÿ  The MS-Paint is a simple program for drawing and painting on the computer.
              Ÿ    The Tools group in Home tab       contains tools for drawing and colouring.
              Ÿ   Flip feature is used to get the mirror image of a drawing.

              Ÿ   Rotate feature is used to rotate the drawing in different angles.
              Ÿ   Zoom in tool is used to get the closer and bigger look of the drawing.
              Ÿ   Copy/Paste gives the duplicate image of a drawing.

              Ÿ   Cut/Paste deletes the image from original place and pastes it to another place.

            A.  Tick ( ) the correct option :
                  1.  The tool used to cut a selected part of an image :

                              (i)    cut                                                (ii)  crop

                              (iii)  zoom
                  2.  The option used to copy the drawing from one place to another place :

                              (I)    cut/paste                                          (ii)  copy/paste
                              (iii)  crop/image

                  3.  The option to get the mirror image of a drawing :
                              (i)    skew                                               (ii)  resize

                              (iii)  flip

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