Page 80 - Ripples SCIENCE 7 - TEJPUR Edition 2024 Answer Key
P. 80
The chameleon can change its colour to match that of the background. Its
tongue is long, sticky and rolled up inside the mouth. It shoots out its tongue at
once to catch its food and then rolls it back into the mouth.
(b) Temperate Regions: Temperate regions experience moderate temperatures.
It is neither excessively hot nor cold. It remains uniform throughout the year
without much variation. The animals living in temperate region are turtles,
snowy owls, white-tailed deer, raccoons, opossums, porcupines and red foxes.
Snowy owls use colour to camouflage according to the changing seasons. In the
winter, they are white. In the summer, they develop a pattern of black spots to
blend themselves with their surroundings.
White-tailed deer are good swimmers and use large streams and lakes to escape
their enemies. They have white patches of fur on their face and lower legs that
help them to blend in with their surroundings while escaping the predator. The
fur helps to keep them warm.
(c) Polar Regions: Life in the polar regions is incredibly difficult. The harsh cold
winds whip across the region. Winter temperatures can reach very low into
negatives and the winter nights can last for months. Despite the harsh climatic
conditions, the polar regions are home to a rich diversity of animals, both on
land and in the sea. The animals that live in the polar regions are polar bears,
penguins, Arctic terns, Arctic hares, musk oxen, seals, humpback whales and
white foxes.
Polar bear adapts to its habitat by developing a layer of white fur and fat under
its skin helps to preserve body heat. White fur helps them to blend with the
snowy background and protects it from enemies. The claws of the polar bear
are curved inwards to help dig into the ice. Wide paws help it in swimming and
walking on the snow.
Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds. They have white fur which merges well
with the white background. They have thick skin with a thick layer of fat to
protect them from cold. With a strong sense of vision, particularly under water,
they can easily locate their prey and avoid enemies.
Arctic foxes have special padded feet that give them a tight grip to walk on
snow. They wrap their large, bushy tails around themselves like a blanket to
keep warm in the cold climate.