Page 82 - Ripples SCIENCE 7 - TEJPUR Edition 2024 Answer Key
P. 82
• Humidity : The high humidity in air indicates the chances of rain. Clouds are
formed when water vapour condenses high above the ground. When water
droplets in the clouds grow bigger and become too heavy to be held up, they
fall to the ground in the form of rain.
• Winds : Weather is influenced by two factors – wind speed and wind direction.
Wind speed tells us how fast the wind is blowing. It can be measured by an
anemometer or by the Beaufort scale. The wind direction indicates the direction
from which the wind blows. It is measured by a wind vane. In our country, winds
blow from the hot and dry regions, like deserts of Rajasthan, and increase
the temperature of the air present in other areas. This causes warm and dry
conditions in summers. Winds that blow from high mountains, like from the
Himalayas, are cold and dry in winter.
8. How do the distance from sea effects climate of a place?
Ans. Distance from sea : During the day, land heats up quickly due to the warmth of the Sun
and at night, it loses heat even more quickly. This accounts for extreme temperatures
on land. In hot seasons, especially at daytime, the sea remains cooler. Therefore, it
reduces the temperature of the adjacent land area. In cold seasons and at night, the
sea remains warmer and therefore raises the temperature of places near to it. Thus,
the sea can change the climate of an area near to it.
9. Half of the world’s animal species lives in the Tropical Rainforests. Discuss why?
Ans. Tropical rainforests are home to about half of the world's animal species because they
provide a warm, wet environment with plenty of food and shelter. The dense layers
of trees and plants create many different habitats, allowing various animals to find
their own niches. The stable, year-round climate supports diverse plant life, which
in turn supports a wide range of animals. This rich variety of living conditions and
resources helps many species thrive, making tropical rainforests incredibly diverse
and important for wildlife.