Page 107 - Visual Marketing
P. 107

Why It Works                         Success Metrics                  Takeaway Tip

The cardboard record player        • GGRP was inundated with          Think about what your industry produces or
folds up to an envelope—or            requests for more cardboard     represents professionally and come up with
“record jacket”—that holds a          record players.                 a hands-on kit that engages clients while
vinyl 45 single with a children’s                                     reminding them of the products or services
story titled “A Town That Found    • Gizmodo, the Wall Street         that can be found at your business. Although
Its Sound.” The recording tells       Journal, Wired, and more than   it takes more time to create a mailer like this,
the GGRP story and reinforces         500 blogs featured the card-    compared with the typical flat paper mailer,
how the company stands for            board record player on their    the results are exponentially better.
creativity in sound and continues     blogs.
to deliver on quality for today’s
music and sound needs. The         • Traffic to GGRP’s website grew
simplicity of the concept caught      from 50 visits a week to more
the attention of the company’s        than 70,000 per week.
target audience of creative
directors across North America     • The project won numerous
with a direct response exceeding      awards, including the Gold at
90 percent.                           Cannes, as well as honors from
                                      the One Show and Marketing.

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