Page 27 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                                     videos shown on local     Success Metrics
                                                 television and via
The Colorful Solutions cam-                      YouTube. Evans says     • Since the Colorful Solutions
paign with photography by David                  the success is really      campaign was introduced, the
McLain of Aurora Novus show-                     about credibility. “We     business side of the bank has
cases Norway Savings, a local                    didn’t want to color       experienced double-digit deposit
bank, that proudly announces:       things—but actually shoot real          growth.
“We’re from Maine—our roots         people with real items in color.”
go back to the 1800s.” They                                              • The campaign won the Best of
combine the familiar, friendly,     Green is for Mike Skillin, the          Show award from the American
and homespun wisdom of Maine        chief financial officer of Skillin’s      Bankers’ Association.
with the expertise and financial     Greenhouse. Brown is for Andy
acumen of full-service institu-     Charles, proprietor of Haven’s       • The Colorful Solutions cam-
tions. The campaign, created by     Candy, a Maine landmark. The            paign really resonates with
Leslie Evans Design Associates,     stories show how each business          people. Norway Savings has a
features profiles of six Maine       owner benefits from the personal         customer retention rate exceed-
business owners delivered in        attention and wide resources of         ing 92 percent.
print advertisements, on the        Norway Savings. Karen Hakala,
website, and in radio commer-       the bank’s senior vice president           Takeaway Tip
cials, as well as in six 30-second  of marketing, says that Norway
                                    Savings wanted to be the bank of             Using customer testimonials and featur-
                                    choice for small business, so they           ing customer stories are time-honored
                                    created a point of differentia-              ways to bring to life the value of the
                                    tion with their Colorful Solutions           products and services you deliver. But
                                    campaign.                                    why not kick it up a level and use visual
                                                                                 clues to further emphasize the range of
                                                                                 customer needs you can serve?

                                    MUCH MORE THAN JUST A WEBSITE 6
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