Page 45 - Visual Marketing
P. 45

How do you not only justify                                               • The company has received
consumers paying a higher                                                    immensely positive feedback
price for your product but                                                   from consumers, the press, and
develop brand loyalty that                                                   our wholesale clients.
causes them to remember and
seek out your product over the                                            • Company staff has a sense of
many other options out there?                                                pride in the company.

Why It Works                           “Most ecommerce experiences        Takeaway Tip
                                       are so focused on selling effi-
The Two Leaves and a Bud Tea           ciently and effectively that they  Make sure your photography is top-notch if
Company’s website redesign             forget about their brand. With     you’re planning to use it to create the per-
uses a full background image           our web redesign, we wanted to     ception of a premium product. Clear images,
that changes with each visit to        create an experience that didn’t   evocative subject matter, and stunning com-
the site. The images are the           just sell and convert more users,  positions are key. Dare to be different. Just
company’s own photography              but demonstrated our brand         because a typical e-commerce site has a
and show the tea growing in            story and our immense passion      plain background, doesn’t mean you need
lush green fields, the small            for tea,” says Edelstein.          to be bound by it. After all, if your product is
farmers who tend the fields                                                different, your website should be, too. Stylish
and pick the tea, tea in              Success Metrics                     photography can celebrate your unique
bowls, and other evocative                                                brand and turn a commodity into a distinc-
images. Phil Edelstein, market-     • The site conversion rate jumped     tive must-have product.
ing director, says visitors to the     1 percent (from 3.5 percent to
website should experience, “a          4.5 percent) immediately upon
fresh journey each and every           launching the redesign. Growth
time.”                                 continues.

                                    MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 24
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