Page 115 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 115

94  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

Figure 5.6  Business model framework sequence.

5.3.2  Value Delivery

The quintant of value delivery in the Business Model Map corresponds to
accessing customers. Key questions to be answered in this quintant include

   ◾◾ How big is the customer segment where the value proposition is

   ◾◾ What is the total addressable market (TAM)? TAM is the portion of the
      target market that the solution can deliver value to.

   ◾◾ What is the serviceable addressable market (SAM)? SAM is the portion
      of the TAM which can be serviced by the business.

   ◾◾ How will the customers know about your solution and your existence
      as a business?

   ◾◾ What channels can be leveraged to access customers? (Online, social
      platforms, industry forums and events, marketing, face to face, distribu-
      tion channels, etc.)
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