Page 116 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 116

S tage 3: Craft Business to Know Viability  ◾  95

   ◾◾ Are there any relationships with customer segments that could be
      exploited to convey value to customers?

   ◾◾ How can the value be communicated to the customers?
   ◾◾ How much value will the customer perceive of the solution?
   ◾◾ What will be the pricing strategy for the solution?
   ◾◾ Will the solution be readily usable, or will it require implementation

      services or guidance before it could be used?
   ◾◾ If additional services are needed to make the solution usable, how will

      those services be provided?
   ◾◾ How will customer support services be provided after sale?

5.3.3  Value Creation

The quintant of value creation is focused on how the solution will be built.
At this point, you would have likely iterated on many versions of the pro-
totype to validate the need and solution direction. To be able to build a
business, the solution needs to be robust enough for a productive environ-
ment so customers could use it in their real context. Key questions to be
answered in this quintant include following:

   ◾◾ How will the solution be built?
   ◾◾ What key features and capabilities will be needed for the first release?
   ◾◾ What will be roadmap items for future releases?
   ◾◾ What are the performance objectives for the solution?
   ◾◾ What experience will the solution enable? Rather, how will the solution

      enhance the customer’s experience?

5.3.4  Value Partnering

As a start-up, it is highly unlikely that you’ll be able to possess all the neces-
sary resources to create and deliver value to your customers. The quintant of
value partnering is all about looking for ways to partner with existing play-
ers who could help your business in the value chain and shorten the time to
market so you could focus on building your core competency. What you do
not want to do is partner on core competency. Ask yourself following ques-
tions as you evaluate the need to partner with other entities.

   ◾◾ Can you leverage resources from a partner to build your solution?
   ◾◾ What’s in it for the partner to lend you its resources?
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