Page 113 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 113

92  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

quick-and-dirty analysis. The framework that I’ll describe here lies some-
where in the middle and can be used by anyone starting a new venture. It
neither requires complex analytical skills nor is too simple to have meaning.

   Here we go (Figure 5.5):
   A business model is all about one thing – VALUE.
   We have so far discussed the value your solution will bring to your cus-
tomers by solving their key problems in the context in which the problems
are most relevant for the customers. That’s how we have been able to craft
the value proposition for your target customer demographics. Up until now,
we have been focused on discovering the problem, prototyping an experi-
ence vision that would solve that problem and validating the approach with
key customer stakeholders. This has resulted in having a good grasp of the
value proposition for the customer.
   The value proposition makes the core of the business model. Regardless
of whether all the other components work out or not, if the value

Figure 5.5  Business model framework.
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