Page 121 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 121

100  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

5.3.8  Guidance

Session Lead
   Draw the template on the whiteboard (five feet in diameter) and as a

team focus on the Value Delivery quintant. Consider all the questions men-
tioned about Value delivery earlier and fill in the section. Expect to have lots
of questions and interesting discussions.

   Have specific discussion around resources, processes and technology
that need to be considered for value delivery. Inevitably, discussion would
highlight some partnership potentials, which should be documented in the
partnership quintant.

   Continue the same discussion for Value Creation quintant.
   Continue the same discussion for Value Capture quintant.
   Continue the same discussion for Value Funding quintant.
   Finally, review the Value Partnership quintant.
   This exercise will give you insights on all aspects of the business model
for your idea.  Document Assumptions

After the session, the session lead should ask the team to write down all the
assumptions made and record those assumptions in assumptions template in
Chapter 6.  Review Prior Steps

Review the prior steps and adjust as needed with the consensus of the team.

5.3.9  Bringing It All Together

Figure 5.8 conveys the linkage between all the concepts highlighted to
transform an idea into a business. At the core foundation of the business
model is the user/customer and the problem you are trying to solve for
him/her. In this framework’s lexicon, “Target to hit” focused on what job
you are helping the user to complete, what goal you are helping the user to
accomplish and what vision you are helping the user to realize. If you have
not understood what the targets are, at not just the rational and analytical
level, but at emotional level through building empathy with the user, all
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