Page 124 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 124

Stage 3: Craft Business to Know Viability  ◾  103

5.4  Step 16: Elevator Pitch

After going through the previous 15 steps, it is important to communicate
the value and positioning of your business to the outside world in a manner
that is easily understandable and impactful. This step is about helping you
craft a succinct message. This messaging could be geared toward potential
investors, partners or customers.

   An elevator pitch is a common metaphor that has gained wide accep-
tance. An elevator pitch is a short statement that explains (to investors or
other interested parties) the most important facts about your company – all
within the time frame of an elevator ride.

5.4.1  Template  Short Version

Here is a short version for the elevator pitch:

For                     Customer/customer segment,
Our business provides
To                      Solution description

Currently,              Customer Need As Insight (on why it is important for
Lack/are                 customer),
Without this solution,
 customers will         Customer Need As Insight (on why it is important for
                         customer), and

                        Customer Need As Insight (on why it is important for

                        Competitive alternatives

                        Competitive advantage(s)

                        Impact (loss) of inaction/compelling event for customers
                         to get this solution from you

Here is an example of an elevator pitch of a fictional company called
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