Page 37 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 37

16  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

2.1.2  Questions for the Second Stage

In the second stage, the most important questions are as follows:

	 1.	What are the other ways this problem could be solved?
	 2.	How feasible is it to build the solution to address the user’s needs?
	 3.	What would be the new end-to-end experience for the user if your idea

      is implemented?
	 4.	How can you prototype without investing too much time and money?
	 5.	How can you test your idea with the user today?
	 6.	What system, tool and people will the user need to rely upon in the

      new experience?
	 7.	Does the solution help the user hit the target (complete the job, achieve

      the goal or realize the vision) in a better, cheaper, faster or easier way?
	 8.	Why would the user change the current way of doing the job and adopt

      the new experience?
	 9.	Are the benefits of the new approach significant enough to entice the

      user to adopt the new approach?
	10.	How could you influence the user in adopting the new experience?
	 11.	Are there any personal motivations or behaviors that would help the

      user see the value in the new approach?
	12.	Are there any social elements that would help the user adopt the new

	13.	Are there any structural elements that would help the user adopt the

      new approach?
	14.	Are there any implications or reliance on other stakeholders in the new

	 15.	Are there any implications or reliance on existing/other processes in the

	16.	Are there any implications or reliance on other data sources or systems?

2.1.3  Questions for the Third Stage

Key questions in the third stage include:

	 1.	What are the short- and long-term industry trends which would help or
      hinder adoption of your idea?

	 2.	What are the short- and long-term technology trends which would help
      or hinder adoption of your idea?
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