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Release a series of audio recordings that play the     Editor’s note:
                       sounds (or silence) of celebrities sleeping. These     These CDs would not
                       recordings could either be sold on CD or licensed to   always be filed under
                       radio stations to fill night time schedules. Members ofEasy Listening. We
                       the public would be able to switch on the recordings aswould imagine that
                       they go to bed and enjoy the experience of sleeping    Lemmy, for example,
                                                                              probably snores with
159with their favourite personalities.                                        as much force and
                                                                              volume as his band

Trevor Webb
13 March 2001

                       Produce a documentary series following the lives of a
                       number of staunch smokers. The series would be filmed
                       and broadcast in instalments over a number of years
                       and would track the effects of the volunteers’ habits.
                       Annual updates would present full reports on their
                       health, mental state and attitudes to smoking

160throughout their lives. The same format could be
                       applied to subjects committed to drug or alcohol use.

                                Becky Clarke
                                14 March 2001
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