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P. 164

Editor’s note:
     This is one of a few
    ideas which offers a
     glimpse of what life

        might be like if a
      government or the
       civil service could
   ever be as innovative
    and experimental as

Devise a national ‘unlucky lottery’. Events and
occurrences normally considered to be unfortunate
would be the point of entry to the lottery and would
therefore become more of an opportunity than a
mishap. A CCTV camera could be set up to record one in
every ten people who walk under a ladder, for example,
or the first person each day to arrive at an airport check-

entrepreneurs or in without their passport. Tickets would be on sale every

artists. week and cash prizes would only be paid out to unlucky

individuals holding a valid ticket at the time of their

accident or incident.
          Editor’s note:
         Hay presto! TheSam Torme
     financial worries of23 August 2001
  the nation’s university
    students have been

Launch a table-sitting service for individuals and
groups who wish to secure tables or positions at the bar
in busy pubs, bars and cafes. Sitters would charge by
the hour to occupy a table with nominal expenses to
cover half-hourly mineral waters.

Chas Bayfield

24 August 2001
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