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Introduce a telephone service for busy, forgetful or self-
                       obsessed individuals to maintain the illusion that they
                       are concerned about their friends. Once a month, the
                       user would record a generic voice message along the
                       lines of ‘Hi! Just wondering how you are?’ They would
                       then enter the phone numbers of friends and

291acquaintances. The service would dial the numbers
until an answer machine was reached and would then

leave the message. Should a friend actually answer the

phone, the system would play back one of a large

selection of recordings of vaguely foreign people
                       explaining that they have the wrong number.
                                                                              Editor’s note:
                                Sam Torme                                     A similar result can be
                                16 September 2001                             created simply by
                                                                              flipping through
                       Launch a new cable or digital television channel calledchannels with no
                       ‘The Random Channel’. The channel would broadcast      regard to television
                       much the same fare as its competitors but would never  listings. Allegedly, this
                       publish schedules or listings. The channel could run an
                                                        is how the male half
292ad campaign with the strap line: ‘You don’t know whatof the population
you’re missing’.

David Owen                                                                    prefers to watch
17 September 2001                                                             television anyway.
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