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Establish a chain of ‘anti-fashion’ stores, which would  Editor’s note:
                       monitor the colours and styles chosen by the main        Quite a number of
                       retailers for the season and deliberately set out to sellthose who reviewed
                       goods outside the boundaries set by fashion, thus        these ideas before
                       increasing consumer choice.                              publication made the
                                                                                point that these
                                Gerard Johnson                                  stores already exist.
                                                                                They are called C&A.
                       Introduce a system of ‘survival’ tokens in varying
                       denominations, which the public could purchase from  Editor’s note:
                       high street stores and give to the homeless in       We make no claim for
                       preference to cash. The tokens could be exchanged forthe originality of this
                       food, clothing and non-alcoholic drinks.             idea. While running
                                                                            Idea A Day, the same
                                Stuart McGlashan                            idea was submitted
                                                                            by different people at
39623August2002                                                             least ten times. If not
                                                                            new, it certainly has
                                                                            some validity.
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