Page 181 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 181

*I’m	 grateful	 to	 Sonia	 Simone	 and	 Brian	 Clark	 for	 a	 discussion	 and	 helpful
tips	on	this	topic.

    †Corbett	 Barr	 maintains	 a	 helpful	 (and	 free)	 set	 of	 resources	 on	 building
traffic	at

    ‡John	 Jantsch	 wrote	 a	 great	 book	 called	 The	 Referral	 Engine,	 which	 is	 all
about	 creating	 a	 systemized	 process	 for	 encouraging	 referrals.	 Highly

    §A	little-known	secret	at	Zappos	is	that	they	do	cut	people	off	who	abuse	the
generous	 return	 policy.	 CEO	 Tony	 Hsieh	 explained	 to	 me	 that	 if	 a	 customer
blatantly	takes	advantage	of	them—returning	worn	shoes	on	day	364	of	the	365-
day	 return	 period,	 for	 example—they’ll	 honor	 the	 refund	 once,	 but	 they’ll	 also
gently	 advise	 that	 customer	 not	 to	 purchase	 from	 Zappos	 anymore.	 Fortunately,
he	also	said,	most	people	are	honest.
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