Page 208 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 208

merely	 maintains	 the	 business.	 Think	 forward	 motion	 …	 What	 can	 you	 do	 to
keep	things	moving	ahead?	Consider	these	areas:

   BUSINESS	 DEVELOPMENT.	 This	 is	 work	 that	 grows	 the	 business.	 What	 new
products	 or	 services	 are	 in	 the	 works?	 Are	 there	 any	 partnerships	 or	 joint
ventures	you’re	pursuing?

   OFFER	 DEVELOPMENT.	 This	 kind	 of	 work	 involves	 using	 existing	 resources	 in
a	 new	 way.	 Can	 you	 create	 a	 sale,	 launch	 event,	 or	 new	 offer	 to	 generate
attention	and	income?

   FIXING	 LONG-STANDING	 PROBLEMS.	 In	 every	 business,	 there	 are	 problems	 that
creep	up	that	you	learn	to	work	around	instead	of	addressing	directly.	Instead	of
perpetually	ignoring	these	issues,	use	your	non-firefighting	time	to	deal	with	the
root	of	the	problem.

                                           Health	Insurance
In	the	United	States,	it’s	the	big	question	facing	many	prospective	entrepreneurs:
“How	can	I	insure	my	family	when	I’m	self-employed?”	(Canadians	and	others
can	 skip	 this	 section	 and	 breathe	 easy.)	 Unfortunately,	 universal	 health	 care	 is
still	a	long	way	off	before	we	catch	up	with	the	rest	of	the	developed	world.

   To	 get	 some	 options,	 I	 surveyed	 our	 group	 of	 case	 studies	 (those	 from	 the
U.S.)	 and	 also	 conducted	 several	 online	 conversations	 with	 large	 groups	 on
Twitter	 and	 Facebook.	 The	 answers	 varied	 considerably.	 Someone	 wrote,	 “Get
screwed	 and	 pay	 a	 lot	 of	 money	 for	 coverage	 that	 doesn’t	 help	 you.”	 Alas,	 in
some	cases,	that	statement	may	not	be	much	of	a	stretch.	But	in	other	cases	you
have	choices.	Here	are	some	of	the	most	common	ones.

Buy	 a	high-deductible	policy	and	pay	cash	 for	visits	to	the	doctor.	Perhaps
the	 most	 common	 solution	 among	 the	 self-employed	 is	 to	 shop	 around	 and
purchase	 a	 high-deductible	 policy	 to	 cover	 serious	 illness	 or	 accident.	 Then	 set
aside	 a	 savings	 fund—either	 self-managed	 or	 with	 a	 health	 savings	 account
(HSA)—to	cover	doctor’s	visits	and	preventive	care.	It’s	best	to	compare	quotes
from	 an	 independent	 broker,	 and	 in	 some	 cases	 a	 local	 or	 national	 group	 may
offer	 a	 discounted	 policy.	 Several	 people	 mentioned	 the	 Freelancers	 Union,	 for
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