Page 210 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
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may	not	be	comfortable	with	this	option.

   PRICING	REVIEW.	As	discussed	in	Chapter	11,	 you	 should	 review	 your	 prices
regularly	to	determine	whether	a	price	increase	is	in	order.	In	addition,	consider
adding	appropriate	upsells,	cross-sells,	or	other	income-generating	tools	to	your

   CUSTOMER	 COMMUNICATION.	 This	 involves	 not	 just	 dealing	 with	 emails	 or
general	inquiries,	but	initiating	communication	through	newsletters	and	updates.

   A	key	rule	for	all	these	activities	is	to	initiate,	not	respond.	Doing	this	for	just
forty-five	 minutes	 a	 day	 can	 bring	 huge	 rewards	 even	 when	 everything	 else	 is
crazy	and	you	spend	the	rest	of	the	day	putting	out	fires.	Onward!

                  Monitoring	Your	Business

Regardless	of	your	growth	strategy,	you’ll	want	to	pay	attention	to	the	health	of
your	business.	The	best	way	to	do	this	is	with	a	two-pronged	strategy:

         Step	1:	Select	one	or	two	metrics	and	be	aware	of	them	at	any	given	time,
      focusing	on	sales,	cash	flow,	or	incoming	leads.

         Step	 2:	 Leave	 everything	 else	 for	 a	 biweekly	 or	 monthly	 review	 where
      you	delve	into	the	overall	business	more	carefully.
   Some	members	of	our	group	were	much	more	diligent	about	tracking	metrics
than	others,	with	a	number	of	people	talking	about	being	obsessive	over	data	and
others	saying	they	had	“no	idea”	about	what	was	happening	in	the	business.	(My
opinion	 on	 this	 approach:	 Personalities	 and	 skill	 sets	 vary,	 but	 be	 wary	 of
delegating	all	financial	knowledge	to	someone	else.	Having	no	idea	about	money
stuff	is	usually	a	bad	sign.)
   The	metrics	you	want	to	track	will	vary	with	the	kind	of	business.	Here	are	a
few	of	the	most	common	examples.

         Sales	per	day:	How	much	money	is	coming	in?
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