Page 209 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 209


Join	 a	 concierge	 program.	 A	 concierge	 program	 is	 the	 opposite	 of	 a	 high-
deductible	policy	that	covers	only	serious	problems.	For	a	monthly	fee	($150	to
300	on	average),	you	can	visit	the	same	doctor	for	most	primary	and	preventive
needs.	 You’ll	 also	 get	 the	 doctor’s	 email	 address	 and	 “call	 anytime”	 cell	 phone
number,	 and	 the	 doctor	 will	 act	 as	 an	 advocate	 and	 referrer	 if	 you	 need	 more
serious	 care.	 Some	 people	 combine	 a	 concierge	 program	 with	 another	 policy	 to
ensure	that	both	short-term	and	disaster	prevention	needs	are	met.

Get	insured	through	your	partner.	A	number	of	business	owners	wrote	to	tell
me	that	they	relied	on	their	spouse	or	partner’s	job	to	cover	both	of	them	while
they	 worked	 full-time	 or	 part-time	 in	 the	 business.	 Courtney	 Carver	 was
diagnosed	with	multiple	sclerosis	in	2006,	and	her	medical	bills	would	be	$8,000
a	 month	 without	 insurance.	 “I	 feel	 fortunate	 that	 my	 husband	 works	 for	 a
company	 that	 has	 group	 insurance,”	 she	 says.	 “For	 now,	 starting	 a	 business
together	 with	 him	 leaving	 his	 job	 is	 not	 an	 option	 because	 of	 my	 medical
condition.	We	are	looking	at	other	out-of-state	options	for	the	future	but	are	tied
to	his	job	for	the	insurance	for	now.”

   Of	course,	this	option	isn’t	available	to	you	if	you’re	single	or	if	your	partner
doesn’t	 have	 a	 job	 that	 provides	 insurance	 benefits,	 but	 if	 you	 do	 have	 the
option,	it	may	very	well	be	the	best	one.

Stay	on	COBRA	as	long	as	possible.	If	you	have	lost	your	job,	COBRA	allows
you	 to	 continue	 receiving	 the	 same	 health-care	 coverage	 for	 a	 certain	 length	 of
time	 at	 the	 same	 price	 your	 former	 employer	 paid.	 You	 have	 to	 pay	 for	 it,	 but
because	 it	 originally	 was	 based	 on	 a	 group	 rate,	 the	 cost	 is	 often	 lower	 (and
coverage	 may	 be	 better)	 than	 that	 of	 any	 plan	 you	 could	 purchase	 yourself.
Several	 people	 spoke	 of	 extending	 COBRA	 coverage	 for	 up	 to	 three	 years	 as
they	built	their	businesses.

Self-insure	or	use	an	HSA.	“My	health-care	plan	involves	prayer,	vitamins,	and
avoiding	 sharp	 objects,”	 Amy	 Oscar	 told	 me	 on	 Twitter.	 Others	 explained	 that
they	 were	 just	 being	 pragmatic	 about	 the	 poor	 options	 available	 to	 them,
weighing	 the	 costs	 and	 what	 they	 perceived	 as	 limited	 benefits	 of	 an	 expensive
plan	 they	 weren’t	 likely	 to	 use.	 If	 you	 have	 a	 family	 or	 health-care	 issues,	 you
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