Page 216 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 216

           ROOF	CAVES	IN	ON	YOU.


                          “Your	time	is	limited,	so	don’t	waste	it
                                living	someone	else’s	life.”


                                                          —STEVE	JOBS


Almost	 everyone	 we’ve	 met	 in	 the	 book	 so	 far	 has	 some	 kind	 of	 failure-to-

success	story.	In	many	cases,	the	story	is	about	a	product	launch	that	fell	flat,	a
partnership	gone	wrong,	or	the	loss	of	motivation	for	the	wrong	project.	“I	tried
something	and	it	didn’t	work	out	…	but	then	I	moved	on	to	something	else”	is	a
common	refrain.	All	these	stories	are	valid	and	interesting,	but	I’ve	never	heard
a	 rise-from-the-ashes	 story	 quite	 as	 compelling	 as	 that	 of	 John	 T.	 Unger,	 a
sculpture	artist	from	a	small	town	in	Michigan.	John’s	story	is	a	tour	de	force	of
failure	and	fear	that	turned	into	resilience	and	success.

   As	John	tells	it,	the	third	best	thing	that	ever	happened	to	him	was	having	the
roof	 of	 his	 studio	 collapse	 from	 under	 him	 while	 he	 was	 standing	 on	 it,
frantically	 trying	 to	 shovel	 snow.	 The	 building	 was	 completely	 destroyed,	 and
John	 spent	the	 rest	of	the	Michigan	winter	alternating	between	shivering	while
he	worked	and	warming	himself	with	an	illegal	unvented	kerosene	heater.	It	was
a	 nightmare	 scenario,	 but	 then	 a	 funny	 thing	 happened:	 The	 bank	 came	 out	 to
assess	 the	 damage	 and	 gave	 him	 a	 $10,000	 commission.	 John	 used	 the
commission	as	a	down	payment	on	two	buildings	he	had	been	trying	to	purchase
for	 a	 while.	 “I	 don’t	 think	 the	 bank	 would	 have	 gone	 for	 the	 deal	 without	 the
disaster,”	 he	 says.	 “It	 forced	 them	 to	 take	 a	 real	 look	 at	 my	 business	 instead	 of
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