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like	 these	 usually	 were	 followed	 by	 clarifying	 ones	 such	 as	 “Starting	 this
business,	no	matter	the	eventual	outcome,	has	been	worth	the	energy,	effort,	and
sacrifices	it	has	taken	thus	far	to	get	it	off	the	ground.”

   One	of	our	case	studies,	a	Canadian	manufacturer,	said:	“I	used	to	be	afraid	to
fail.	I	wanted	concrete	numbers	telling	me	that	we	weren’t	going	to	lose	before	I
took	 the	 leap.	 But	 if	 nobody	 was	 going	 to	 die,	 even	 in	 the	 absolute	 worst-case
scenario,	then	what	the	hell	was	I	so	afraid	of?	I’ve	never	looked	back.”

   A	 European	 designer	 was	 even	 more	 dramatic:	 “Do	 you	 want	 to	 know	 the
honest	 truth?	 In	 the	 early	 days,	 I	 almost	 expected	 my	 business	 to	 be	 a	 failure.	 I
believed	that	it	had	to	be	that	way	because	it	is	the	first	business	I	have	ever	run,
and	 I	 know	 the	 biggest	 successes	 have	 the	 biggest	 failures	 behind	 them.	 It
sounds	perverse	but	I	almost	wanted	it	to	fail	so	I	could	look	back	and	say,	‘Yep,
that	one	failed,	but	I	learned	from	it!’	”	(Fortunately	or	not,	his	business	is	doing
just	fine.)

                  The	Moment	They	Knew

As	 I	 reviewed	 thousands	 of	 pages	 of	 survey	 data	 and	 made	 countless	 follow-up
calls,	I	learned	to	ask	people	if	the	decision	to	start	their	business	had	been	worth
it.	You	might	think	that	such	a	question	is	simplistic;	wouldn’t	most	responses	be
“yes”?	 Well,	 perhaps	 …	 but	 one	 of	 the	 best	 parts	 of	 the	 study	 was	 hearing
exactly	how	a	group	of	diverse	people	answered	this	question.	There	was	usually
a	story	behind	the	affirmative	answer,	and	the	story	often	related	to	a	particular
day,	event,	or	moment	when	they	knew	their	business	was	going	to	work.	As	we
come	 to	 the	 end	 of	 this	 journey,	 I	 thought	 you	 should	 hear	 from	 a	 few	 of	 them

      Gary	Leff
      Book	Your	Award
      Fairfax,	Virginia

      I	 never	 thought	 that	 people	 would	 pay	 for	 the	 service	 that	 I	 offer,	 so	 the
      very	first	time	I	received	a	check	in	payment	for	services	from	my	very	first
      client,	 it	 hit	 me	 like	 a	 ton	 of	 bricks—there’s	 real	 money	 on	 the	 table	 here!
      And	 when	 I	 saw	 a	 letter	 from	 that	 very	 first	 customer	 published	 in	 a
      magazine	 recommending	 my	 service,	 I	 realized	 that	 there	 was	 both
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