Page 223 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 223

Jonathan	Pincas
      The	Tapas	Lunch	Company
      Spain	and	Norwich,	United	Kingdom

      The	 big	 day	 for	 us	 was	 August	 20,	 2008,	 also	 known	 as	 the	 day	 when	 we
      realized	our	dream	of	moving	back	to	my	partner’s	native	Spain.	When	we
      set	 up	 the	 company	 in	 England	 in	 2005,	 it	 was	 with	 the	 aim	 of	 eventually
      being	 able	 to	 move	 back	 to	 Spain	 and	 run	 the	 business	 remotely,	 although
      we	 weren’t	 sure	 how	 long	 this	 would	 take.	 We	 had	 set	 up	 a	 perfect
      infrastructure,	 with	 cloud-based	 business	 management	 software,	 VoIP
      telephones,	 and	 so	 on,	 but	 the	 logistics	 of	 outsourcing	 was	 proving	 the
      biggest	 hurdle.	 We	 couldn’t	 find	 a	 company	 that	 could	 deal	 with	 the
      complexity	 of	 250	 different	 products,	 most	 of	 which	 were	 labeled	 in

         When	we	finally	managed	to	set	up	the	contracted	logistics	operation	and
      drove	away	from	the	warehouse	knowing	that	we	no	longer	had	to	do	all	the
      shipping	ourselves	and	that	the	following	day	we	were	getting	on	a	boat	to
      Spain,	I	knew	we	had	achieved	what	we	set	out	to	do.
As	I	traveled	the	world	meeting	our	group	of	unexpected	entrepreneurs,	I	heard
story	 after	story	like	these.	Over	and	over,	they	echoed	 a	similar	theme:	When
you	 have	 these	 moments,	 hold	 on	 to	 them.	 They	 provide	 encouragement	 and
positive	reinforcement	when	times	are	hard.

                        The	$100	Recap

Before	we	close	it	out,	let’s	look	back	at	the	key	lessons	of	this	book.	First	and
most	 important,	 the	 quest	 for	 personal	 freedom	 lies	 in	 the	 pursuit	 of	 value	 for
others.	 Get	 this	 right	 from	 the	 beginning	 and	 the	 rest	 will	 be	 much	 easier.
Always	ask,	“How	can	I	help	people	more?”

   Borrowing	 money	 to	 start	 a	 business,	 or	 going	 into	 debt	 at	 all,	 is	 now
completely	optional.	Like	many	of	the	people	you	met	in	this	book,	you	can	start
your	own	microbusiness	for	$100	or	less.

   Focus	 relentlessly	 on	 the	 point	 of	 convergence	 between	 what	 you	 love	 to	 do
and	what	other	people	are	willing	to	pay	for.	Remember	that	most	core	needs	are
emotional:	We	want	to	be	loved	and	affirmed.	Relate	your	product	or	service	to
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