Page 226 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 226

Sure,	 you	 can	 learn	 through	 failure,	 and	 most	 likely	 you’ll	 have	 at	 least	 one
false	start	on	the	road	to	freedom.	But	failure	is	overrated—who	says	you’ll	fail?
You	can	just	as	easily	succeed.	You	can	apply	the	lessons	from	these	stories	and
create	the	new	life	you	want.


                                             KEY	POINTS
      	 Advice	 can	 be	 helpful,	 but	 you	 can	 also	 just	 step	 out	 and	 take	 a	 big	 leap.

         Don’t	wait	for	someone	to	give	you	permission.
      	 More	 than	 competition	 or	 other	 external	 factors,	 the	 biggest	 battle	 is

         against	 our	 own	 fear	 and	 inertia.	 Thankfully,	 this	 also	 means	 we	 are	 in
         complete	control	of	managing	it.
      	When	you	have	a	success	or	“moment	you	knew”	story,	hold	on	to	it;	these
         experiences	are	powerful	and	will	help	you	later	if	times	get	hard.
      	 The	 most	 important	 lesson	 in	 the	 whole	 book:	 Don’t	 waste	 your	 time
         living	someone	else’s	life.
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