Page 81 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 81

without	 a	 hitch,	 and	 it	 was	 as	 if	 it	 had	 been	 planned	 that	 way	 the	 entire

         In	the	end,	the	resort	we	were	originally	booked	into	kept	half	our	money
      despite	being	in	breach	of	contract.	Their	attitude	was	if	you	want	us,	you’ll
      have	 to	 come	 and	 get	 us.	 That	 showed	 us	 how	 worthless	 contracts	 can	 be
      overseas.	Our	guests	rallied	to	us	and	offered	to	pay	the	additional	money,
      but	 we	 declined	 and	 ate	 the	 loss.	 It	 wasn’t	 our	 guests’	 fault,	 and	 they
      shouldn’t	have	to	pay.	It	was	a	hell	of	a	way	to	start	a	new	business—taking
      a	 big	 financial	 hit—but	 it	 was	 the	 right	 thing	 to	 do.	 That’s	 the	 way	 we’ve
      chosen	to	operate,	and	I	believe	it	always	pays	off.

   How	 can	 you	 follow	 in	 the	 footsteps	 of	 Tom	 Bihn,	 the	 Kinetic	 Koffee
Company,	Kris	Murray,	and	even	the	Grateful	Dead?

Strategy	1:	Latch	on	to	a	Popular	Hobby,	Passion,	or	Craze
Popular	diet	plans	come	and	go,	but	a	few	of	them	stick	around.	The	Paleo	diet,
which	 encourages	 its	 followers	 to	 eat	 a	 lot	 of	 some	 things	 (meat	 and	 uncooked
vegetables)	 and	 very	 little	 or	 none	 of	 other	 things	 (grains,	 dairy,	 sugars,	 etc.)
looks	 like	 it’s	 here	 to	 stay.	 Like	 all	 strict	 diets,	 Paleo	 attracts	 a	 passionate
following	 in	 addition	 to	 a	 passionate	 group	 on	 the	 other	 side	 that	 questions	 its
scientific	 basis.	 Situations	 like	 these—an	 industry	 or	 movement	 with	 lots	 of
lovers	and	haters—always	present	a	good	business	opportunity.

   Enter	 Jason	 Glaspey,	 who	 had	 adopted	 the	 lifestyle	 after	 reading	 The	 Paleo
Diet,	 a	 popular	 manual	 for	 Paleo	 followers.	 Jason	 noticed	 a	 big	 difficulty	 with
trying	to	follow	the	diet:	It	was	complicated.	“Eat	natural	food	and	avoid	grains”
sounds	 simple	 enough,	 but	 adhering	 to	 the	 whole	 diet	 requires	 a	 fair	 amount	 of
ongoing	planning.	This	is	another	sign	of	a	good	business	opportunity:	when	lots
of	 people	 are	 interested	 in	 something	 but	 have	 a	 hard	 time	 implementing	 it	 in
their	daily	lives.

   Jason	 got	 to	 work	 creating	 a	 solution.	 He	 understood	 that	 the	 demographics
for	 hardcore	 Paleo	 followers	 were	 more	 male	 than	 female	 and	 tended	 to	 fall	 in
the	 age	 range	 of	 twenty-five	 to	 thirty-five.	 More	 important,	 however,	 Jason
noticed	 that	 people	 of	 various	 backgrounds	 were	 attracted	 to	 the	 Paleo	 lifestyle
but	weren’t	sure	they	could	devote	much	of	their	time	to	planning	for	it.	Thus	the
opportunity:	 Provide	 a	 comprehensive	 resource	 that	 “gave	 them	 the	 fish”	 (no
pun	 intended,	 although	 Paleo	 followers	 do	 eat	 a	 lot	 of	 fish)	 by	 telling	 them
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