Page 92 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 92

                  MUCH	LONGER

                     TOO	LONG.


                           “Plans	are	only	good	intentions	unless
                   they	immediately	degenerate	into	hard	work.”

                                                    —PETER	F.	DRUCKER


Jen	 Adrion	 and	 Omar	 Noory	 graduated	 from	 the	 Columbus	 (Ohio)	 College	 of

Art	and	Design	in	2008.	They	both	began	freelancing	as	designers,	in	addition	to
Jen	 teaching	 at	 their	 alma	 mater	 and	 Omar	 taking	 a	 design	 job	 at	 a	 studio	 in
town.	Based	in	a	tiny	apartment,	they	were	making	ends	meet	and	working	jobs
related	to	their	degrees,	but	just	one	year	after	graduation,	the	feeling	of	burnout
from	 the	 world	 of	 commercial	 design	 was	 inescapable.	 “Should	 I	 have	 gone	 to
med	school?”	Jen	wondered.	“What	if	accounting	would	have	been	a	better	fit?
It	 was	 strange	 to	 be	 feeling	 this	 way	 only	 a	 year	 into	 our	 careers.”	 On	 a	 drive
back	 from	 Chicago,	 they	 talked	 about	 other	 things:	 an	 upcoming	 trip	 to	 New
York	and	a	plan	that	they	hoped	would	lead	to	other	travels.

   When	 they	 got	 home,	 Omar	 looked	 around	 for	 a	 nice	 map	 to	 help	 chart	 their
upcoming	 adventures.	 Long	 story	 short,	 they	 couldn’t	 find	 one	 that	 they	 loved,
so	they	decided	to	make	their	own.	They	stayed	up	late	at	night,	working	on	their
ideal	 map	 while	 talking	 about	 all	 the	 places	 they	 hoped	 to	 visit.	 When	 they
finished	 the	 design,	 there	 was	 just	 one	 problem:	 The	 printer	 they	 wanted	 to	 use
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