Page 30 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 30

Many	a	small	thing	has	been	made	large	by	the	right	kind	of	advertising.

         —Mark	Twain,	humorist	and	writer	(from	his	novel	A	Connecticut	Yankee	in	King	Arthur’s	Court,

Advertisers	constantly	invent	cures	to	which	there	is	no	disease.


Any	 seeming	 deception	 in	 a	 statement	 is	 costly,	 not	 only	 in	 the	 expense	 of	 the
advertising	 but	 in	 the	 detrimental	 effect	 produced	 upon	 the	 customer,	 who
believes	she	has	been	misled.

         —John	 Wanamaker,	 department-store	 magnate	 (from	 Whatever	 Happened	 to	 Madison	 Avenue?,

Advertising	is	legalized	lying.

         —H.	G.	Wells,	writer	(from	Crown’s	Book	of	Political	Quotations,	1982)
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