Page 83 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 83


   Many	 successful	 companies	 were	 the	 unintended	 consequence	 of	 a	 founder
indulging	 his	 passion.	 A	 prominent	 example	 is	 General	 Electric,	 whose	 origins
in	 the	 late	 1800s	 flowed	 directly	 from	 founder	 Thomas	 Edison’s	 zealous
preoccupation	 with	 inventing	 the	 incandescent	 lamp.	 A	 13-year-old	 passionate
hobbyist	 programmer	 named	 Bill	 Gates	 grew	 up	 to	 cofound	 Microsoft	 and
become	 the	 world’s	 richest	 person.	 Benjamin	 Franklin,	 a	 multifaceted	 hobbyist,
parlayed	 his	 passion	 for	 reading	 into	 a	 thriving	 career	 as	 a	 printer.	 The	 poet
Robert	Frost,	like	so	many	of	the	quotable	luminaries	below,	illuminated	the	link
between	 passion	 and	 business	 achievement	 when	 he	 said,	 “My	 goal	 in	 life	 is	 to
unite	my	avocation	with	my	vocation,	as	my	two	eyes	make	one	in	sight.”


If	your	energy	is	as	boundless	as	your	ambition,	total	commitment	may	be	a	way
of	life	you	should	seriously	consider.

         —Joyce	 Brothers,	 psychologist	 and	 advice	 columnist	 (from	 her	 book	 Positive	 Plus:	 The	 Practical
            Plan	for	Liking	Yourself	Better)	

Seek	 out	 that	 particular	 mental	 attribute	 which	 makes	 you	 feel	 most	 deeply	 and
vitally	 alive,	 along	 with	 which	 comes	 the	 inner	 voice	 which	 says,	 “This	 is	 the
real	me,”	and	when	you	have	found	that	attitude,	follow	it.
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