Page 222 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 222
105 People do business with people they like
This is another one of those basic human fundamentals. If
given the choice between dealing with someone we like and
dealing with someone we don’t like, the choice is simple.
The person we like wins hands down every time.
There is an old Chinese saying that states, ‘A man
without a smile should never open a shop’. I often come
across people without smiles running businesses that rely
on customers coming back time and time again. The
problem is that the customers go in once, they leave
depressed and they never come back again.
So how does this affect you? If you can’t be happy and
cheerful in your place of business, find someone who can
be. We all have daily problems, whether it be a lack of
money, a supplier who has let us down, a difficult customer
or a fight with our spouse. The point is that you need to
get over these problems and put yourself in the right frame
of mind to create a warm and inviting place of business
where people will want to shop.
I often recommend to clients that the best way for them
to increase their business would be for them to stop serving
at the counter. If they take my advice it normally works
and they become happier. They don’t have to deal with the
public as much so when they do, they are generally more
friendly and relaxed, resulting in a much better experience
for all involved.
I know that many small businesses don’t have the luxury
of just running out and hiring extra staff because they feel
tired and stressed out, but being irritable and grumpy
behind the counter will cost you far more money in the
long run. Working with the public is very demanding and
we all need a break once in a while.
I often hear people saying things like, ‘That’s just the
way I am’ or ‘I’m no good in the morning’. Whatever the
reason for negativity, try to take positive steps to change