Page 259 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 259

Big Titles

always get the customer’s attention

Big titles always grab people’s attention. Try   Try to leave time working on the title and the
to ensure that whenever you produce a flyer      rest of your time on the rest of the flyer.
or an advertisement, you spend 90 per cent of
your time working on the title and the rest      Try to leave as much white space as you can
of your time on the rest of the flyer.           in the document as well. Make your text neat
                                                 and symmetrical. Try to limit the amount of
Try to leave as much white space as you can      information you are including in your promo-
in the document as well. Make your text neat     tional material.
and symmetrical. Try to limit the amount of
information you are including in your promo-     Big titles always grab people’s attention. Try
tional material.                                 to ensure that whenever you produce a flyer
                                                 or an advertisement, you spend 90 per
Big titles always grab people’s attention. Try   cent of your time working on the title and
to ensure that whenever you produce a flyer      the rest of your time on the rest of the flyer.
or an advertisement, you spend 90 per
cent of your time working on the title and       Try to leave as much white space as you can
the rest of your time on the rest of the flyer.  in the document as well. Make your text neat
                                                 and symmetrical. Try to limit the amount of
Try to leave as much white space as you can      information you are including in your promo-
in the document as well. Make your text neat     tional material.
and symmetrical. Try to limit the amount of
information you are including in your promo-     Big titles always grab people’s attention. Try
tional material.                                 to ensure that whenever you produce a flyer
                                                 or an advertisement, you spend 90 per cent


Copyright © Andrew Griffiths 2000. These sheets may be photocopied for non-commercial use.
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