Page 261 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 261

Sample customer survey for restaurants

Conducted by: ............................................... Date: ......................................................

1. Do you live           Locally  Within 50 kms             Within 100 kms

2. How did you get to our restaurant? Bus Taxi Drove Walked

3. Is this your first visit to our restaurant?         Yes           No

4. How did you hear about our restaurant? ...............................................................

5. Please rate the following:

A. Our telephone service Very good Good Average Poor
Comments ..................................................................................................................

B. Quality of our products Very good Good Average Poor
Comments ..................................................................................................................

C. Our prices                     Very good Good Average Poor

Comments ..................................................................................................................

D. Our facilities                 Very good Good Average Poor

Comments ..................................................................................................................

6. Would you eat at our restaurant again?              Yes No        Maybe

Comments ..................................................................................................................

7. Do you have any suggestions for improving our restaurant?
     Comments ..................................................................................................................

Age:               Under 18 18–25               26–35       36–50           50+

Gender:            Male           Female (this section is optional)

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